Thursday, June 14, 2012

Let the games begin

Scott Schwab:

My goals this 8 week challenge will be focused upon getting back to where I have been fitness wise in the past, and obtaining new heights in other areas of my life. As always my goal is improvement and based on the last challenge where I actually gained weight, I feel like I have something to prove.

1) Get my body fat to 8%
2) Lose 10 pounds to be at my ideal weight
3) Start writing my book that I have always wanted to write
4) Read/Listen to 3 books
5) Wake up each morning at 6am

Chandi Schwab:

It has been hard since I ran Boston because I haven't set any particular fitness goals. I still have been running and working out but haven't had any set sites to work toward. Also, summer is always a change in scheduling with the kids and everything else going on. I want to work toward more balance. Balance with being a mom, strengthening my mind spiritually, balancing my schedule with hair clients, and obtaining my fitness goals.
I signed up for the Timp Half marathon which is on July 28th. I am hoping to work on my speed and get a PR there, I also want to get stronger and more limber, to help prevent injury. The biggest thing I want to work on is balancing my time better. Balance work, relaxation/edification, and playing and spending time with my kids. I really want to be in the BEST shape of my life before baby #4 :)

1)Yoga at least once a week
2)Half Marathon time between 1:28-1:30 (follow training)
3)Read at least 1 book/ scriptures daily
4)Schedule a fun activity at least weekly with the kids

1 comment:

  1. I miss your guys' challenges! My goal is to look like Chandi Schwab. =) I gotta jump on board next time you guys start one!
