Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mental Challenge

Scott Schwab:

Day 2:
Today will be the day to start implementing the positivity of what you are doing. You will have experiences where you may hear the voice within yourself telling you that you cannot or stop or its not worth it. No matter who you are or where you're from, you will experience adversity.
Often times adversity is the thing that will make us rise to the occasion or accomplish the impossible. Referring to our goals, we must be positive. We need to be realistic, but also know that we can dream, and that we should dream big. Every mountain climbed or journey traveled started with a single step.
Likely, the lifestyle change will introduce new things into our lives. It is important to believe in the reasons for doing those things and ultimately accomplishing our goals. Goal setting is the number one reason for why people will succeed or fail. We may not always hit our goal the first try, but that is why it becomes important for us to measure our successes and set-backs and move forward based on our experience and research. However, if we are not measuring and just trying, we will not accomplish anything, because our goal was not defined.
There was a study done in 1983 at Harvard. A student body was polled about goal setting specific to life ambitions and desired earnings. Only 3% of students had written down goals, 13% had goals but did not have them written down. The remaining 84% had not identified anything specific. Fifteen years later these same students were polled and the results were staggering. On average the 13% out earned and had a quality of life 90% better than those who did not have established goals. Even more surprising is that the 3% on average out earned and had a higher quality of life than the 13% by an additional 90%.
Goals are the seeds to our dreams. If we do not set them, they will never grow and develop. Set the right goals. Goals that are realistic and goals that will make you stretch. It is also important to set multiple goals in a variety of areas in our life. That way we are able to see successes and find balance.

#1 Set goals that you will achieve (not try to accomplish).
#2 Forget the negatives and reasons why we cant
#3 Post your goals where you can see them
#4 Review your goals daily, so your subconscious accepts them
#5 Find someone that will help you be accountable to those goals

*Make sure to start a cleanse this week and get into a schedule with exercise, meals, and drinking water. Remember that 80%  of our results will be dictated based on our choices for intake. Those choices alone contain the calories, while everything else is about burning calories.

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