Saturday, June 16, 2012

Erin Taylor:


Back in 2000 we put together a time capsule at our family reunion. We filled out questionnaires about our the things we would like to accomplish in the next ten years including spiritual goals, accademic goals, and fitness goals. I filled out my questionnaire and put it in the box and kind of forgot it. We were going to dig up the time capsule at a family reunion in 2010, but unforseen circumstances prevented us from having a reunion that year. Last year we all got our papers back and I was shocked to find that my fitness goals were the same goals I still have! I knew that I had been working on them for a few years, but I didn't realize it had been 11! The thing is, I have been working on them all of this time, but I really haven't gotten anywhere on them. In other words, I have been spinning my wheels for 12 years now! I am sure that I have received a lot of health benefits for trying, but seriously, what is the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get different results? I guess that qualifies me for the insane catagory!
My goals at that time were to loose 20 pounds. Well I'm sure there were more goals then that, but that is what I remember most. I felt that was a reasonable goal as loosing 20 pounds would still make me nearly 30 pounds over what I weighed at age 20. I mean I am taking into account that I am older and have had 9 babies and my body has changed, but I don't think that accounts for 50 pounds !
So here it is. My goal for this eight week challenge is to loose just 10 pounds. Not a big deal right? My goal for accomplishing this is to follow a new stategy of going off carbs for two days a week. I read this article about how if we cut carbs from our diet for just two days a week, it resets our insulin production. Insulin it the harmone that helps turn carbs into fat. Well, it turns carbs into energy that feeds our muscles, but when the muscles have filled up on all the energy they are burning, the insulin also helps turn carbs into fat, to store for another day when our energy output exceeds the quick energy stores in our muscles. The problem is, most of us don't need to dip into those stores very often. At any rate, giving our pancreas a little break from insulin production, helps to reset it to normal levels thus helping is burn fat instead of storing it.
The rest of the week, I plan to eat a moderate healthy diet of lean meats, healthy carbs and lots of fruits and vegetables. I will allow myself an occasional weekly treat.
My excercize goals are to step up my runs. I will do interval training for two miles plus add another 4 miles twice a week, and step up my longs runs from 3 or miles to an increase of 6 to 10 miles once a week. I will also do yoga and weight training three times a week.
So basically I am just tweaking the same old goals I have been working on for the past 12 years! Hopefully with these little changes I will begin to see some results. If I loose the 10 pounds, I can then go on to tackle the next 10!

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