Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Setting your goals AND keeping them!

-Drew Cavner

Now that 2012 has finally arrived most of you have already mentally set your goals for the upcoming year. Same thing every year, right? Eat better, work out, get more sleep, be a better friend, husband, wife, person etc etc etc!! These are all common goals that most people set every single year. The biggest difference between successful and not so successful people is how much you actually pursue and accomplish. Almost everyone talks the talk but do not walk the walk. Sure, I want to be successful. I want to be happy. I want to be a better person. I want to be rich. I want all of that...but do i WANT it? Everyone wants those things. It's if you actually accomplish them that makes a person. Most of the battle if knowing how to do what you really would like to do. My suggestions on how to meet your goals is sit down and really think about what you would like to do. Write them down! Take action! Write them on your mirror. Every morning look at what you really WANT to do. Get a planner that you carry around with you in your pocket, purse, car, work or anywhere you are frequently. Make it a conscious effort to dangle that success carrot in front of you. KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND HOW TO ACCOMPLISH IT. If you want to be a better person write down how you plan on accomplishing it.

EXAMPLE:If you want to eat healthier how do you plan on doing that?

"I will only eat out once a week"
"I will go to the grocery store after work and buy my healthy food"
"I will cook my meals for tomorrow before I go to bed tonight"

Materialize your goals anyway that fits your style and truly believe you can accomplish them. There is no substitute for hard work and dedication. Nothing good comes easy. If you believe you can.

1 comment:

  1. Drew, well said. How do you account for the times when despite everything you try, you are not meeting your goals? It sounds so simple, but I struggle to get results.
