Saturday, January 7, 2012

800th Post

Scott Schwab:
Wow, the time has flown by. For this our 800th post, we wanted to breakdown where we are. To date we have had over 60,000 of you come to the site. We have opened our first store, with others in the planning stages, and we feel that we are just getting started. We have many ideas and plans, but they really mean nothing unless it is what you are looking to read. So we wanted to hear how we are doing and where we can improve. Please feel free to email or contact us with your suggestions.
I also wanted to share an article that I read recently about Supplements. Dr Andrew Myers is an expert on nutrition and preventive medicine. He is the co-author of Health is Wealth and you can visit his website at

#1 Supplements help you age better-As we age we often become deficient in key nutrients our bodies use to function optimally. Antioxidants, for example, prevent premature aging and cellular damage. Osteoporosis, is linked to a deficiency in calcium. Supplementation replenishes nutrients that we may miss. Research shows that a properly designed supplement regimen can delay or even prevent many of the health conditions that come with aging, like heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis, helping you live longer and with more vitality.
#2 Supplements give you more energy-When the body doesn't get the right balance of nutrients, it doesn't produce energy as efficiently. Blood sugar levels spike and then drive throughout the day. Supplements give your cells what they need to extract more energy from food and use the energy better, keeping your vibrant and alert.
#3 Supplementation prevents dysfunction-Heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes don't appear overnight. It is the result of years of deficiencies in key nutrients. Depriving the body of nutrients it needs causes dysfunction in the body. Taking supplements prevents deficiencies and dysfunction, which will also reduce your odds of developing age-related degenerative diseases.
#4 Prevention puts money in your pocket-Giving your body the full range of nutrients it needs can help you prevent disease and reduce the cost of medications, doctor visits, hospitalization and insurance, saving thousands of dollars.

I would also add a 5th reason. #5 Supplementation speeds results-The proper mixture of supplementation will help you achieve your goals faster as it focuses on using your body to benefit your body. Supplementation to some may seem like it only provides pseudo effects. However, the right mixture can help your body increase oxygen and blood flow, muscle recovery, turn your body into a fat burning oven, and increase stamina in the muscles to create gains. Not everything is safe, effective, legal, and/or created equal. You can be assured that we carry only the best products. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email or visit our website at


1 comment:

  1. I've always appreciated this site and the amount of work you both put into it! Here are a few things that I think could make it even more incredible:

    The look is a little drab - try adding some color, playing with font and appearance of 'Mixers Nutrition' and layout. Things are very black and white.

    Get more interactive - Rather than written posts all the time, try posting a short video, especially when it comes to work out routines or even recipes. This will make your posts seem much more alive.

    Dare to be silly! - Sometimes, especially when it comes to Scott's quotes of the day or thoughts on something, things can get a little portentous. It would be nice to see more light-hearted posts that are not so serious.

    As with anything, please take my suggestions with a grain of salt. Ultimately you both are making a huge difference in people's lives and that is what counts!
