Sunday, May 30, 2010

Thought for the day

Scott Schwab:

I found myself on an airplane today, but for once sat by an individual who I could have a really good conversation with. He lives in Madison Wisconsin and our conversation found its way to health. It turns out that he used to be 84 pounds heavier then he is currently. As he spoke of the 10k he recently ran and working out with a trainer, his eyes were bright with excitement. As we talked he said something that I have thought about all day. I don't know if he even knows how much the comment will help me, but I thought that I would pass it on.

We were speaking about the necessity of getting up early and going to bed at a reasonable hour. I mentioned a study that I had read about successful CEO's and the time they get up in the morning. The article pointed out that the most successful CEO's are getting up, on average, around 5. His response was this:

"People feel that a luxury is sleeping in until 8 or 9, when the real luxury is to get out and enjoy the sights and the sounds that the early morning provides".

There is a lot of truth to this and my personal goal of getting up early has just gotten earlier. Start the week off strong.

Ideas for the week:

Fruit or vegetable cleanse(2-3 days)

Start making smoothies for yourself

Run further then you have during the challenge

Rent a funny movie and watch it with someone you love

Make one meal this week the is an experimental/ healthy meal

Focus your thoughts on why you are successful and what you can achieve

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