Friday, May 21, 2010

The Best foods for your Complexion

While we know how important eating healthy is for our muscles and organs to function well, we don't always remember that our skin is our bodies largest organ. This means that the foods that we choose to eat affect the appearance of our skin, as well as the health of our skin which is so important. Many common skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema, and even skin cancer can be tracked back to diet. The best way to combat these skin conditions is to pay attention to what you are eating. Here are some of the best foods to keep your skin healthy, soft, glowing, and blemish free!

Almonds:Almonds are packed with vitamin E which helps block ultraviolet rays. A study showed that those that consumed about 20 almonds a day burned less than those who didn't. Almonds have many other good nutrients as well.

Dark Chocolate: forget about the myth that dark chocolate causes acne. Now you can eat small quantities of this delectable dessert without feeling to guilty. dark chocolate contains flavanols which reduce the roughness in skin and protect against sun damage. a few oz. of flavanol rich cocoa a day does the trick.

Green Tea: Green tea seems like the superhero of foods these days right? Green Tea contains a certain type of antioxidant with proven anti inflammatory properties as well as cancer fighting agents.

Tomatoes:Lycopene, a phytochemical found in red fruits and veggies(minus cherries and strawberries) helps eliminate skin-aging free radicals found in UV rays. Cook your tomatoes to get the most skin saving benefits.

Fish: Fish such as Tuna, Mackerel, and Salmon contain oils that help nourish skin. Essential fatty acids such as omega 3's help keep cell membranes healthy by blocking harmful substances while allowing healthy nutrients to enter. The fatty acids found in fish also help with skins suppleness and elasticity.

Blueberries: Blueberries are considered one of the highest nutrient packed fruits in existence. That are loaded with antioxidants and phytochemicals that protect skin cells from damage. They also act as an anti inflammatory protecting your against chronic disease.
Smoothie for your skin
*1 cup frozen blueberries
*1 cup water
*10- 20 almonds
*1 scoop Myolean protein
*1 dark chocolate square
(banana for creaminess optional)
Blend all ingredients together leavind the protein powder for last . Enjoy the taste while knowing the benefits you are giving your skin!
*Jessica Taylor has been using the egg whites on her skin and swears by it. She says it is the best thing she has ever seen clear adult acne. She also loves that it is natural. i love it too! Try it out!!

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