Saturday, May 15, 2010

8 week challenger

Scott Schwab:

I have many goals for this 8 week challenge and plan for it to be my best one yet. I am finding that my daily schedule is allowing for more walking these days, but I am not hydrating effectively.

-My number one Nemesis is the schedule of eating and my portion control. So far so good with the portion control, but again I find that I am not eating every two hours as I would like to do.

-My second focus will be to avoid eating out with all of the high processed foods and deep fried love. If I do go out to eat I will be eating grilled chicken or fish. Sushi is also something that I enjoy, but my main goal is to avoid the burger and fry routine.

-Thirdly, I will be preparing for an Olympic marathon. The distances are 1 mile swim, 24 mile bike, followed by a 6.4 mile run. As instructed and not desired I performed the triathlon today and all I can say is I am glad it is over. However, doing it helped me see where I was and where I can improve. My times as of now are:

Swim=40Min I feel that I can improve on this time and would like to shave off 10 minutes before the race.

Bike=64Min I really felt good about this time, however I was on a bike that did not fit my body and my back and legs paid the price. I have got to get a bike and get it fitted to my body so I can get used to the bike that I will compete with.

Run=74Min wow I have never wanted to quit something so bad. Obviously this is an area where I can feel that I can improve the most. After looking at my time I found I was doing roughly 11 and 1/2 minute miles. I honestly think that there are people who walk faster. My challenge will be to find a way to hydrate better as the race will hopefully have tables of water during the race. I do not like running with something in my hand so maybe a camleback. Does anybody have a suggestion. Luckily my wife met me at about 4 miles and gave me a drink, or I may have been passed out on the side of the road.

-Finally my goal is to race at 180 pounds. I have 10 pounds to lose, but feel like if I do everything else the weight will come. I am hesitant to make a weight goal because I am looking more for results than I am for weight loss. My goal is to finish the race at 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Another observation that I noticed is that life is a lot like a triathlon. Just when you feel that you are completely exhausted and cannot swim another lap, then you have to jump on a bike, followed by a run. Keep your heads up. You are doing great because you are doing something rather then nothing.

Here is a smoothie recipe that you are sure to like.

Blueberry Blast

8oz water

1 Banana

1/2 yo plait light(Peach)

2 tablespoons peanut butter(natural is best)

1/2 cup spinach

1 cup blueberries

1 scoop strawberry Myolene

1 scoop Fiber(optional)

*This is a great snack and is a serving size for one. To share just double everything except peanut butter and water. It will be about 10-12oz of water depending upon desired consistency.

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