Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Taking your time while eating

Scott Schwab:
Have you ever been so hungry that you know your food is hot and that you will probably get burned, but eat anyway? Me too, I have noticed a trend in my life that I need to reverse. I eat to quickly and end up eating more than I need to. This post is dedicated to taking a few notches off the speed to which we eat.
In our busy world, it is difficult for anyone these days to slow down for a meal. However, research has shown there are some harmful connections with not taking the time to chew, to digest, and to enjoy. The link provided is to an article that may make you think twice before you hurry through another meal. Taking time while eating may require you to adjust your schedule, wake up earlier, and even pass up on other joys in life. However, if you are serious about a healthy lifestyle, it is worth the sacrifice.

Benefits to eating slowly:

Reduce frequencies of heartburn and gastric acid reflux. These conditions are known to be caused partly when the foods are not properly digested.

Eating a little slower is one way to keep your weight in check. Because the brain takes around 20 minutes to tell us we’re full, eating fast will cause us to stock up on the calorie before we realize we have had enough.

For the sake of social bonding, one of the eating slow benefits is that it allows people to touch bases with those around them. When eating slowly, there is enough time to share stories and reaffirm the friendships that bond people together though the help of their favorite foods.

Slow eating allows the person to taste the food better. Regardless of the type of dish, it means so much if a person is able to savor it fully by eating a little slower.

Undigested food is one of the common causes of stomach problems. Spare your tummy and chew the food well so the stomach will not have a hard time burning it, and you will be able to immediately derive the nutrients from the food.

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