Saturday, June 18, 2011

5 Tips for success

Scott Schwab:
Here are tips for you to incorporate into your regular routine as you seek for a balanced lifestyle and health.

Here are 5 tips to abide by:

1) Eat breakfast no matter what- starting your bodies metabolism is essential. The earlier the better. This will help the body to continue the digestive process and giving energy and sustenance to your day. A diet coke is not breakfast!
2) You are what you eat- The type of fuel you choose, is the biggest indicator to how you feel and how you perform. If you want to feel like a Twinkie, than eat one. If you want real energy and results, eat foods that are known for energy (grains, nuts, vegetables, etc).
3) Avoid sugar- With all of the reports out today about the harm of sugar, we should all avoid it as much as possible. If you do eat sugar, treat the next 8-12 hours like a cleanse and drink as much water as possible. This may seem extreme, but follow this link and you will know why.
4) Eat small meals regularly- Eating small meals throughout the day will keep your metabolism operating efficiently. The other fact that this will do will help your stomach shrink and you will get full faster.
5) Drink Water- Besides using it in a cleansing nature, water is refreshing. They include oxygen that is necessary for the body. Hydrogen helps the blood flow in your body and keeps things circulating. This also continues the flush of toxins and will allow the body to use the natural nutrients that it intakes. There are many drinks available, but you will be better off, when going with the H2O.

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