Friday, June 17, 2011

Harmful things that we do

Scott Schwab:
One of the most harmful things that we do with a diet or exercise program deals with the food that we intake into our body or the lack there of. Many times we think that we need to reduce our intake to loose weight. This is true in certain situations, but generally our bodies need to have fuel to function. So many times, I here this statement. "I eat a couple times per day and I have not lost any weight."
Our bodies are like cars. You can choose the car or truck that you feel you are. However, the vehicles don't run very well with little to no gas. We are the same way. We need to have fuel. The most common meal missed is breakfast. This is the most important meal of the day, yet many people run off before they get food in their system. Imagine starting a long distance across the desert and you forgot water. Our bodies literally go into starvation mode and cannot operate. Not eating has almost as large effect negatively as does eating too much.
That may not make a lot of sense, but realize that our bodies are going to provide for the basic functions before turning its focus toward burning fat. Burning fat requires consistent fuel, not here a little there a little. We have talked many times that the best case scenario for your body is to eat every couple of hours. Breakfast should never be missed. Having more muscle will naturally burn more fat per day than not having muscle tone.

In Conclusion:
Eat right the majority of the time and give yourself some freedom so you don't forget how to live. Having a free day is a great way to keep your mental health in check. It is hard to always have to avoid, however as you avoid the things that are not the best for you, your body will feel better and naturally you will desire better foods. Find the foods that work for you. A little trial and error is necessary and some research will do you well. Remember, your body is not like anyone else's, so you need to take the personal journey to see what works.

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