Saturday, June 11, 2011

Be the change

Scott Schwab:
Today is an interesting time to live and be alive. We are dealing with issues that our grandparents and parents never could fathom. With so many events, challenges, and stresses being in the world today, we have to be strong and maintain the life we want to live. As times get tough, the tough get tougher. However, the things that are most important will always emerge.
I see people on a daily say no to aspects of life, because other things are more important. I have thought about this from my perspective and the things that I choose unwisely. A wise man once said that "if we don't stand for something, we will fall for anything." Our priorities are the very things that we do on a daily basis. If they weren't we would not make sure that we do them each day, each week, and a lifetime.
To find a balance in life and ultimately happiness; we must have a couple things. Standards are essential. You must decide your standards, but realize there is a correlation between the nature and nurture aspect. We form our opinions of ourselves and others based on what our parents and surroundings taught us, what we felt was right or wrong, and what we think about most often. For us to gain control, we must insert into our minds exactly what we want to think about, then do , then be. We also become our surroundings so we must surround ourselves with people and environments that are suited for our goals.
Be a creationist, in that you create the environment that you would like to live in. This may not be possible all of the time, but it surely is possible most of the time. Even when in terrible situations, research has shown that the human mind can do amazing things. The human mind is a muscle and must be exercised. Use it! Read, think, ponder, and simply think about what could be. One of my favorite quotes is "Average minds discuss people, good minds discuss events, great minds discuss what could be."

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