Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fall 2012 8 week challengers

Matt Long


1) Lower body fat % from 11% to 7%
2) Maintain weight and strength at 185-190 lbs
3)Maintain strict diet throughout the entire 8 weeks
4)Become more charitable

MacKenzie Long


I'm excited to participate in this 8 week challenge, because I recently had a baby and I need the extra motivation to loose those pesky last few pounds!
Here are my goals:

1. Decrease my body fat by 5%. That is just a little more than 1/2 a percent each week. I feel like that is very doable and it will put me at a percent that is sustainable, for me, once the 8 weeks are over.
2. Workout 6 times a week.
3. Lift each muscle group (HEAVY) once a week.
4. 30-40 mins of cardio each day.
5. Incorporate HIIT into my cardio 3 times a week.
6. Follow a strict clean meal plan. Eating 6 small meals each day. (except Thanksgiving weekend- lets be realistic people!)
7. Only eat out 4 times in the 8 week period- still ordering as "clean" as possible.
8. Do NOT obsess over what the scale says! It's important for me to remember that my goal is always to be increasing lean muscle mass- even while slowing loosing fat. Muscle weighs more than fat after all!!


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