Thursday, November 29, 2012

Midway Results

Scott Schwab:
The challenge has been different than other challenges for me. I started with the cleanse and lost 21 pounds. Much of that was water and I knew that I would gain some back. Before Thanksgiving I had gained 8 of it back. After Thanksgiving I had gained 15 of it back. Disapointed, I am trying to find the food balance that I can be healthy but not gorge. Portion control went out the window during the Thanksgiving break. My lack of discipline is catching up to me.
However, I have put on muscle, I do feel like I am strong and have a good base to start from. Now I will have to get very serious if I am going to reach my goals. I have been writing a lot of reading many types of books. I have been writing a manual, that I have enjoyed reflecting upon, how to improve my book, which is coming together nicely. I look forward to finishing strong, and I look forward to a new year.

Chandi Schwab:
Physically I have just wanted to be able to maintain throughout the holidays. I haven't been running as many miles per week, but I am still staying active by going to classes at the gym and lifting on my own. I also have a love/hate relationship with the Stair Master these days. I sweat like crazy on that thing, and I am always sore the next day. I weigh about the same but, I have lost some muscle definition, so I want to focus more on that. I also want to start doing speedwork again on the treadmill. I haven't done it at all since I hurt my ankle in september. I really want to push it these next few weeks. We are going to Cancun in January so that is some good motivation.
I have really tried to focus more on my kids individual needs and I am trying to improve my patience every day.

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