Wednesday, November 21, 2012

New workout

Scott Schwab:
We have spoken in the past about how effective it is to lift weights and provide resistance to the muscles. Lifting weights will burn more calories than simply doing cardio. The best combination is to include both cardio and lifting. You will get the best results as well as burn the most calories. Here is a workout that will get you started.

#1 Bench Press: Lift 75% of your maximum weight and do 3 sets of 12 reps. Some believe that you will get better results when starting at 75% and increasing rate. Do not try to lift your max if you do not have a spot. I personally believe that you will see the same results by getting a weight that will challenge you, but pushing through the reps until failure. This will work the muscles in a new and exciting way and build muscle extremely fast.

#2 Dumbbell Flys: This consists of taking dumbbells equivalent to 50% of your maximum weight. Taking the dumbbells and having the weights in front of your body at waste level; throw the weights to the side in a U motion. Elbows will lead and the wrists will follow. This is great for the shoulders and upper back. Again 3 sets and 12 reps.

#3 Rows: Many gyms have this machine, but this can also be replicated with resistance bands. Being seated, you will lean forward and grab the weight. Make sure that you straighten your back and you will be seated at a 90 degree angle. With your arms out in front of you, pull back towards your chest the weight or resistance. Form is important and you will not get the benefits by heaving weight and your body back and forth. Make sure that you isolate the shoulders and back for this workout. 3 sets and 12 reps.

#4 Pull-ups: One of my favorite workouts. This can be assisted with a chair or even a machine that assists with pulling the body upwards. The goal is to do 3 sets, 12 reps or as many as you can until failure. Even if you cannot get your chin above the bar, it is still beneficial to pull yourself up as much as possible. This pulls in many muscle groups and will help you use different muscle groups if you are not already doing this routine.

Finish with a great 30 minute cardio session with intervals. Mixing up the different paces within your cardio will burn more calories and keep your cardio interesting. You will also burn between 30-40% more calories by working your muscles and then bringing in the cardio. The combined workout will burn more calories and help you achieve results faster.

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