Saturday, December 24, 2011

Things that make you go hmmmmm

Scott Schwab:
As I am sure you have noticed we took the week off. It was a great break and we were able to get our perspective going forward. There are many health benefits to taking a break, realigning priorities, and adjusting your course.
We decided to take the break and test a couple of things. My goal was to not be as strict with my daily exercise and my eating. The reason that I did this was to test the effects after a week of taking a break. I did not decide to eat everything in sight, but I did drink soda, eat late,sleep in, and did not monitor my portion size. Here are the effects based on my week off...

1) Irritable- I have been very uneasy all week. Despite great times with family, I found a way to be grumpy and argumentative.
2) Low energy- I have not been waking up at my normal time and in fact, I have had a very difficult time getting out of bed.
3) Low desire- There was access to exercise equipment and I very easily could have done an at-home workout. However, I found things to keep me busy that were not important and did not serve any purpose.
4) Low Stamina- I worked out today, and to my disappointment, all of my lifts have come down in amount of reps and amount of weight. I also observed my running to be about 1 minute slower than I was even last week.
5) Self Perception- It may be due to a combination of things, but I have noticed that I have a poor self image this week. I struggle to have a positive flowing attitude, and more often than not, I have been critical of others and self.

I may be drawing conclusions that for some do not make sense or could not be correlated. However, one thing I have learned to do over the course of my health journey is to listen to my body. For health to be accomplished, balance must be obtained. For me, these correlating effects are mostly due to my mornings not being used properly, lack or mental and physical exercise, and poor eating habits. I am grateful that this is only a week. To see the effects of 6 months of living like this refer to the link Drew's Journey.
Have a Happy Holiday season and enjoy your life for exactly what it is, and work for exactly what you want it to be.

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