Friday, December 30, 2011

A great new workout

Scott Schwab:
I wanted to post about a workout regiment that will help you get results now. It has many names, but I refer to it as "The Magnificent Seven." What you do is choose an exercise that is moderately difficult. Start with seven reps and do seven sets. Once you finish the seven, got to six reps and six sets.
Continue all the way down as far as you can go. If you can make it all the way to one, you are an incredible specimen. If you are still feeling like you can do more. Choose a second exercise and repeat the process.
The goal is to keep the exercises going and only take a 30 second rest in between sets. If you are working out with someone, switch back and forth and keep each other moving and motivated. The power of momentum is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Push yourself and I promise you that by the time you get to one, you will be burned out and have a good sweat going.

Here are some suggestions of exercises that will take you to the limit:

-Pull Ups
-Bench Press
-Seated Press
-Push Ups
-Pull downs

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