Monday, December 5, 2011

Health benefits to change

Scott Schwab:
One of the biggest fears that people have is change. Most people don't like it, and avoid it as much as possible. However, change happens continuously and for us to grow there is need for change. For businesses to thrive, they will also have to experience change. "If we do what we have always done, we will be who we have always been."
I was cleaning the house the other day and had a motivational streak. I wanted to get as many thing cleaned and organized as possible. In fact I rearranged our room and did some other things to make it appear as a new room. I started thinking about the health benefits of rearranging furniture and found some interesting things.
Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese philosophy, upholds that health is the most important aspect in your life. Health is the center of your existence, and without health, your life could be absent of balance and harmony. While health is the center of life, in Feng Shui it is also believed to be the center of the home. All rooms of your home, including your bedroom, living room, and kitchen, are believed to have a health area, which is the center of the room.
Rearranging your furniture can revitalize and restore energy to you and a situation that has lost its sense of satisfaction. Think about it, You have your furniture how you want it, however, if there are negative experiences associated with the look or feel of a home, it is highly impressionable on your mind and body. Many of us decorate and organize our home so it feels comfortable, functional, and/or desirable. Whether we admit it or not, many time our designs incorporate what people will think about our style.
Low energy can also be combated by rearranging your home. We get used to seeing things a certain way, but this can also leave us with a need for change. Often times this is when we start looking outward with vacations, shopping, and even taking on new hobbies. There is a time and place for those things, but looking inward to your space is a step that will bring satisfaction and renewed energy for what we face outwardly on a daily basis.
Let's face it, we take pride in our homes and want them to look their very best.It is a fact that we feel better when we operate in a clean space with some level of organization. This doesn't mean that it has to pass the white glove test necessarily, but things should be in a place where everyone can find them. A major cause of stress, is knowing that you have something or placed something somewhere and it is no longer in that place. Focus on opening up a room or changing out pictures, buying new pillows or getting a new center piece. Even the most fixed room can undergo change that will increase satisfaction and improve your health. Additionally, realize that fresh flowers or plants will bring the feeling of life and health to any home or room.

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