Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Color your life:)

Chandi Schwab
Scott shared some great points with making positive changes through something as simple as rearranging, and redecorating rooms that you spend the majority of your time in. There is something about refreshing your surroundings that really brings peace and satisfaction. Another intriguing thing to note is the positive and negative effects of using different colors in your interior design.
The influence of color is an important aspect to decorating. We respond to colors subjectively. In China, decorating with the color red brings good luck. Red is frequently on the front door. Decorating with red is not the only color of good fortune. Yellow and purple are very auspicious to have in the decor as well. In Feng Shui, yellow has been considered an Imperial color that many Feng Shui masters find it more beneficial than red. Decorating with green is a color of freshness, peace and growth. Darker decorative colors can either be relaxing or depressing, light colors can be uplifting or annoying, and extreme colors can be exhilarating or aggravating. If there is a certain room in the home that an argument always occurs, check out the color and the way it is decorated. Does the room have aggressive decorative objects? Is the color irritating? If you feel good in the home of a friend that is decorated with colors and objects you love, remember that when deciding how to decorate your own home or apartment. For some reason, the decorating scheme works with your sensibilities. Keep the "feel" of the room in mind.

Check out the feel of some colors, and how they may affect your mood through being apart of your decor.

Orange: expands your thinking. It reduces self-consciousness and allows you to express yourself with confidence. Use it in your home when you want to feel younger. It is the color of laughter and celebration. Try an orange...mouse pad, child's room wall, bordered note card.

Deep blue: encourages efficiency. It will purify your thinking, so you can cut through the clutter and discover what is most important in your life. It helps you integrate the big picture with the little picture. Wear dark blue when you need to make a decision. Try a deep blue...oversize tray, wastebasket, desk lamp.

Green: increases wealth. The primary color in nature, it corresponds with life's riches. It is the color of fresh starts and growth. It will encourage you to honor your unique talents and manifest them in the material world. Try a green...checkbook, desk chair, front door.

Light purple: is spiritual. It will help you connect to a higher plane. Purple encourages a fresh perspective on emotional issues. By reminding you that we are all connected, it will deepen your sense of humanity. Use it in your home to enhance compassion and to experience friends as family. Try a light purple...cashmere throw, yoga mat, journal.

Blue: gives a sense of peace. It dissolves tension and promotes tranquillity. Light blue especially brings ease into the home and harmony into relationships. Wearing or surrounding yourself with it helps calm aggressive tendencies and eliminates discord. Try a light blue...headboard, piece of coral, painted ceiling.

Bright red: will fortify you. It is a stimulant. It promotes courage and fearlessness. Use this color when you want to increase self-confidence. But too much red can make you feel overly excited or agitated. A little goes a long way. Try a bright red...dish of candy, picture frame, coffee-table book.

Yellow: increases your focus. It is known for enhancing intelligence and mental agility. It can help stimulate conversation and clarify thoughts. Try a yellow...No. 2 pencil, bookmark, pad of Post-it notes.

Pink: opens the heart. Gentle and soothing, pink is the color of love. It promotes tenderness and is a comfort in times of emotional transition. Use it in a room when you are trying to increase receptivity and understanding. Try a pink...cell phone cover, or light bulb.

Green: is also the color of healing. It represents nourishment and helps steady the body, balancing your equilibrium and encouraging stability. Use it to rejuvenate yourself, to promote physical and emotional well-being. Try a green...cast-iron pot, set of kitchen bowls, bath towel, or flower arrangement.

Yellow and orange: Also add life. These colors help dispel darkness and allow us to see the brighter side of things. Always remember, an array of color is key to happiness: You need the full range of it to feel balanced and fully alive. Try a yellow or orange...kitchen towel, throw pillow, or mug.

Deep red: inspires passion. It helps awaken the libido. Use it to move you through inhibitions and emotional blocks that prevent you from expressing yourself. It will remind you to live life fully and to love your body. Try a deep red...ottoman, lampshade, accent chair.

Aqua: inspires trust. This is the color to use when you need to relax. Wear or surround yourself with it if you have difficulty sleeping, dreaming, or meditating. Try an aqua...duvet, sleep mask, painted floor.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! Right up my alley =) I wonder what people's favorite colors has to say about their personality?
