Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Workout like Thor

Scott Schwab:
If any of you have seen the new Marvel flick you will know what the title means. Physically the man looks like he has no fat on his body and that he is ripped out of his mind. Much like the popular 300 workout wait a couple of weeks and the Thor workout will be the newest thing. I am going to try and guess the type of workout he did and see how close it is. Regardless it should be a great workout and I recommend everyone looking to sculpt try the workout.

With lat muscles like he has you can bet he was doing a ton of pull ups. If your needing something to switch up the old pull up, clinch a 10 lb dumbbell between your feet and feel how the lift changes. Another suggestion is to take a weight lifting belt and add a weight to the chain provided at the front. Finally try the pull up with legs held out in front of you at a 90 degree angle. That will incorporate the abs and oblique muscles real nicely.

Bench Press
With pecks like that, he was really working his pecks heavy and often. Take your bench to new levels by trying different hand positions on the bar. Each place on the bar will give slightly a new feel to the lift. You may also want to try bringing your knees to your chest and seeing the focus it brings to your core. Remember it is all about the core. The more exercises that you do that will incorporate your core the better your whole body will respond.

If you carry around a hammer like that, you are bound to build your biceps and forearms. The best way to do a curl is slowly and allow the muscles to respond to the resistance and truly get the arms isolated. Many times people grab heavy weight and you see them bending their back and heaving. The more you can stay stationary the better. Movement within a lift can actually promote weakness and injury. Stay as solid as a soldier and remember good posture is more important than high weight. For a trick to increase the difficulty play with the stance and how far you keep your feet apart. Also try a little balance training and stand on one leg. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

Full body workouts like squats strengthen the body in incredible ways. The way this is accomplished is the releasing of testosterone. Ladies don't worry you will not grow a beard. You will however tighten up your backside and strengthen your entire body. If done correctly you will notice better posture, overall balance, and strength. Working the body in this way will also help eliminate plateaus and evenly distribute muscle for a leaner look. Even if you do it with little to no weight do it. Your body will thank you. Remember to have good form with your back straight and slowly go down and explode into the starting position.

Six pack abs take a lot of work. The diet is probably the most important element to having a firm and flat stomach. I know that a lot of people don't like crunches because it hurts their back. However, try using a ball to lessen the strain on your back. Also consider the thought by many prominent trainers, "weak abs means weak back and a weak back promotes weak abs." I know it hurts but most things that eventually are worth it do hurt. Know your threshold for pain. I am not saying to go out and pull your back out, but simply push yourself further than you would like to.

With all things in life, can't does not exist in the mind of a believer and achiever. Be the achiever and say goodbye to the doubter and also the hater and the victim. You are the sum total of your thoughts, the average of the people you choose to surround yourself with, and most importantly the person you think about most often. Believe it or not, you are in control and the only person who says stop or no or cant is ourselves. Make the decision to be something great and stop worrying so much about what you can't control or the natural negatives in life. Be positive and make the biggest decision that will effect your life. "You are exactly who you want to be."

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