Friday, July 22, 2011

Ripple effects

Scott Schwab:
Lifes choices and decisions always have effects. Some decisions have less ripples and other decisions are more lasting. With health and fitness specifically, I have noticed that many times my decisions to eat poorly often lead to progressively worse decisions. Additionally I have noticed that feeling of sickness from the day before carry on into the following day. I know that all of us have felt this way and so I did a little research into the reasons why.
Research has shown that eating is very much an emotional connection for people. Additionally, it should be pointed out that our brain is the message center for our bodies. Especially the trigger in the mind that tells a person that they are full and the relation of how they feel. We must consider the mental as it flows into the physical. Health is much more involved than simply the physical.
The ripple effect exists in everything we do. Eat healthy and see how it effects the way you feel and even the amount that you eat. Interestingly enough, as we eat better, we will eat less and the ripple effect carries through to our actions and desires. Living a healthy life, however, is more about lifestyle and less about a time frame. It takes time and requires discipline. It is not impossible, but realize that it represents a challenge. With so much information out there in relation to unhealthy eating, we owe it to ourselves to research and implement the strategies that will bring success and fulfillment.
The link above has some great points and if you get a chance read through the article. More than anything I hope the information drives you to a renewed desire to keep living healthy and avoid the harmful ripples and learn how to have long lasting healthy ripples that pass down to family, friends, and our future.

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