Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Don't get Weighed Down

Chandi Schwab
After making leaps and bounds in my workouts last week and feeling great about the progress that I had made, It all came to a screeching halt due to one thing...junk food.

I had a fun filled girls weekend with Scott's family and felt like I had worked so hard that it wouldn't be a big deal if I just ate what I wanted and as much as I wanted. So after 3 days of PF Chang's, Bombay House, Pizza Hut, cupcakes, brownies, and so forth I feel so weighed down. I did my Saturday workout and my Monday workout, and they just weren't the same. Today when I was working out I could really feel it. I went on a five mile run and my time was 6 minutes slower than the last time I ran it, and I was giving it my all.

This goes to show that what you eat effects your workouts greatly. There are certain foods that give you the healthy energy you need to have sustained effective workouts, and cupcakes are definitely not on the list. When you train your body to eat those healthy foods and to appreciate them, it does you no good to backtrack, in fact you will have nothing but adverse effects. I find that when I indulge in one unhealthy thing, that is what I crave over and over again and I can't ever feel satisfied I just get to the point where I feel sick and need to lay around.

the point of this post is to remind us all and motivate us all to stick to our guns and not waver off of our healthy eating. there are so many yummy healthy foods that can really hit the spot. I am not saying cut the junk food completely out, just set a reasonable limit for yourself before you dig in. this will save you a tummy ache and your workouts will be so much more effective! Try to stay away from processed foods those are what will really weigh you down as well as sugary foods.

Here are some quick ideas...

Breakfast Foods


*Wheat toast and eggs


*Fruit Bowl with lowfat yogurt

*Protein Smoothie

*Whole Wheat english muffin with honey

Lunch Foods

*Whole Wheat Pita with turkey and veggies

*Whole Wheat toast with eggs or tuna

*Chicken salad with lots of veggies and vinagrette dressing

*Whole Wheat PB and Honey Sandwhich

*Protein Smoothie

*Healthy broth based soup

Dinner Foods

*Chicken breast with brown rice

*Veggie filled salads with a protein

*Salmon and Sweet potatoe

*Whole Wheat Spagetti with marinara and ground turkey

Snacks for in between

*Fruits(apple, oranges, strawberries, blueberries, etc...)

*Veggies (Carrots, celery, broccoli, sugar snap peas, etc... dipped in peanut buter or hummus)

*Fat-Free cottage cheese or yogurt

*Whole grain Rice Cakes

*Reduced fat Wheat thins or crackers

*Protein Smoothie

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