Monday, June 28, 2010

Brick Training

Scott Schwab:
Today I wanted to do a quick post about the value of training with different events. When triathletes train, it if very important for them to get their mental health in a position to keep going. For those looking to be in shape for the event it is called brick training. Just when you think you are done with an event, you run to the next thing. For triathletes that can be from swim to bike, bike to run. For those of us not looking to do a triathlon, brick training is still essential. We are all looking to get in shape. Rather then taking the time of your workout to run on the treadmill and then finish with a stretch; divide your time where you can really push yourself with running and then jump on a bike. Another great suggestion is to lift weights first and get your blood pumping and then jump on a stair stepper, elliptical, or treadmill. The key to this is simply going as hard as you can and establishing new limits. If you can consistently push your body further and higher, your body will adjust and you will be able to raise the bar that much higher.
Brick training applies for any and everyone, depending upon how creative you want to be. I know of some people that will do a cycling class for 45 minutes and then do another 45 minutes running, lifting weights, or even jump in the pool. Not only will this train your mind to accept it and push further. The muscle confusion will really kick in to help you burn more fat and punish the calories that you are burning. Honestly if you can get yourself in the habit with different exercises, you will see more results and burn more fat.
The second element is always calorie intake. With any training regiment you must know what you are eating and balance the intake with what you are burning. I have never been a calorie counter and I never will be. I like the philosophy of having a free day once in a week. That gives you the chance to not get so stressed about never getting to eat the things you enjoy. Also it can be a day to reward yourself. Simply put, eat all things in moderation. It is important to eat regularly so your body has fuel, and also eat small portions so your stomach naturally shrinks. It is the huge meals every 4-5 hours that kills people. Your body is constantly going back and forth between starvation mode and stuffing yourself. Eat every 2-3 hours for best results and try and get into the habit of balance and nutrition.

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