Friday, June 4, 2010

Get Active!!

Chandi Schwab
I am sure this is something you hear and read about quite often when it comes to being healthy. I don't mind reiterating it though because of its importance. There are so many ways to be active in our lives we just need to make the conscious effort.
It is important to be active every day. because our hectic life doesn't always permit us the time or schedule to fit in a normal workout, We don't need to automatically write those days off and make them a"Lazy Day". We can still find ways to be active. Here are some fun examples...

*Take your kids to the park.(Or your Dog) While you watch them play do some lunges, push-ups, sit-ups, etc. (Or run around with them. They have plenty of energy)

*Add an extra kick to your step. Walk a little faster everywhere you go.

*Always take the stairs. If you are running late, Run the stairs. It will probably be faster anyway.

*While watching t.v. or the news it is a perfect time to throw in (push- ups, crunches, lunges, squats, Jumping Jacks)

*If you have stairs at home or at your complex run them. This is a great workout .Do as many as time permits or until you just can't go any longer. (Great way to firm up your rear)

*Always return your shopping cart to the store or their specified cages .It is the polite thing to do anyway.

*Go for a quick jog around the neighborhood. Throw in a couple sprints to get your heart rate going.
*Yard Work!! Mow your lawn, pull your weeds, and any other little extras to make you yard look nice.
*Housework is not always appealing, but a great way to burn calories!

*STRETCH!!!There are many opportunities to stretch. That is another good one to do when the T.V. is on.

***Here is a bonus tip...Try replacing every liquid that you take into your body with water. Do it for a week and see how you feel!!You will be amazed by the difference.

The most important thing to remember is to have fitness on your mind. Try to be active where you can and you will live a much happier life. I believe that if we feel good about ourselves and the efforts we are making, we will always strive to be better because we are noticing the difference. Hopefully these were some fun ideas that you can try. I would love to get some input! The more ideas the better! Add them to the comment box.


  1. I am excited about the new ideas. It is true that I mostly take the elevator at work or the escalator when I am at the mall. It always seems to be the little things anyway. You go girl, you look great and thanks for the helpful advice.

  2. I just want a pill that will help me look amazing do you have anything like that?
