Saturday, March 19, 2011

Get Fit ...Stay Fit

Chandi Schwab

Set Active Goals
Everyone has something that they are passionate about. When you are passionate about something you are usually naturally good at it and you enjoy your successes with it. When it comes to being physically fit there are so many different catagories to choose from that keep you active and fit. There are events held to test your fitness ability whether it be a basketbell game, triathlon race, rock climbing competition, Skiing race, etc...In order to stay active and live a healthy lifestyle you must enjoy what you are doing to stay active.You shouldn't ever make yourself do something you don't enjoy, it just isn't going to last. So first off I would like to challenge you to choose a physical activity that you feel like you really enjoy and know you will find success in. Then set goals with that activity. If you are training for a Triathlon write down how often you are going to practice swimming, running, and biking each week, then set weekly time and distance goals with each as well. They may be small goals weekly but when you look back over a 12 week period you will be so satisfied with how much you have improved.

Focus on your goals
So many people are active solely because they don't want to be fat or so they can eat whatever they want. If your focus is on how you look and how much weight you want to lose or what size you want to be you will most often always be dissapointed.But if you focus more on setting and reaching your own personal fitness goals you will thrive off of your personal successes. You will be pleased with what you have accomplished and that will fill any affirmation needed in the confidence department. When you feel good, you look better to yourself.

Focus on How You Feel
When you are active you plain and simply feel better. Active people are more procuctive in all aspects of life, therefore they are happier. If you focus on being active and eating healthily so that you will be a happier person to be around that is great! The reasons for living a healthy lifestyle are endless, so set your goals, focus on them a step at a time, and you will see just how much better life is. There is always room for improvement, and fitness possibilities are endless... so get on it...and Good luck!

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