Thursday, March 31, 2011

Endurance Athletes

Drew Cavner:
We recieved a question from a follower that asked what type of supplementation is recommended in events that last 2-5 hours. Here are a couple of proven solutions and ideas that can help you get the most out of your training, competition, or event.

For an event that will last from 2-5 hours (endurance) there are a few supplements that could greatly increase your performance.

Beta Alanine



Beta Alanine
In one study, the supplementation of beta alanine over a period of 4-10 weeks increased intramuscular carnosine content by 80%. In short, beta alanine is extremely good for decreasing muscle fatigue. I would suggest a dose anywhere from 1.5 to 3 grams before & during your event. It will cause a slight flushing-itching sensation but that will go away.

Glycomaize is a carbohydrate powder that has a higher molecular weight that an average carb. This means it will actually sink through your large intestines and become readily absorbable from the small intestines extremely fast. The importance of this, is it will also shuttle other nutrients such as beta alanine and other amino acids that you were to take with it extremely fast. During a competetion or sport it is very important to have fast delivery-absorbtion. The faster your body recieves nutrients, the faster your body can recover and perform at peak abilities for a longer time.

Powershock is a mix of branched chained amino acids that will help aid in recovery and stamina. It will also dialate blood vessels which will insure maximum oxygen, blood, and other nutrients to your body's muscles. It has key ingredients that will prevent from premature muscle breakdown. It will also decrease cortisol which is a very detramental hormone to muscle.

In short, if you are putting your body through that type of exercise, you better be putting something into your body to eliminate the harmful effects. These products are safe, effective, and you can find them at our website at

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