Sunday, December 2, 2012

Quote of the day

Scott Schwab:
After a long weekend of great events and joy; happiness is a reality. I know that there are many people hurting and who work everyday for happiness. Happiness is a choice and an attitude and not just based on events. If you have ever said something like this "I will be happy when", or "I would be happy but"; there is need for perspective. Be happy despite things that are happening in your life. Be happy because you have a choice. Here is a quote that I found that I thought was good advice.

"No matter how much more mad it may make you, get out of bed forcing a smile. You may not smile because you are cheerful; but if you will force yourself to smile, you'll end up laughing. You will be cheerful because you smile. Repeated experiments prove that when man assumes the facial expressions of a given mental mood — any given mood — then that mental mood itself will follow."

-Kenneth Goode-

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