Thursday, August 23, 2012

Working hard or hardly working

Scott Schwab:
When I hear this saying, it always makes me think of Shrek when he is in the fairy god mother factory trying to fit in. How does this apply to our workouts? Do we look  like we are looking hard but hardly working or we hardly working?
There are a couple of ways that our bodies are trying to tell us something and we need to start listening if we plan to get results.

#1 Muscle Memory- Our muscles get used to the workouts that we do on a daily and weekly basis. If we plan to get results we need to disrupt the pattern of commonality. Confusing the muscles will require our muscles to grow in new ways which will burn more calories and give us the results that we  seek. For continued growth we need continued change.

#2 Frame of mind- If we only think about the things that we have always thought about, we will not make the changes needed in life. Often times we surround ourselves with the people who think like we do, talk like we do, and alas, we  have our friends, our earning potential, and  our future. If we are going to make changes in our life that are significant, we may need a change of scenery. I'm not talking about a physical move although that can help. I'm talking about what we visualize and see ourselves being. How we view the world, others, and ourselves, can always use a dose of optimism and hope.

#3 Meal plan- There are a couple  of myths that need to be debunked. "I want to lose weight so I just wont eat." Our bodies have to have fuel for our bodies to burn calories. Consistently having food will consistently help our focus, our energy, our health, and our weight control. Not eating is not the answer. Balanced and healthy meals 6 times daily is the best way to speed up the metabolism and avoid the peaks and valleys of the energy train.

#4 Water-  Unfortunately this may be the hardest one. With so many options for beverages, often times our last choice is water. I learned the other night that aspartame was not approved by the FDA  when it was first introduced. Sugar and even worse man made sugar is a killer. Literally we don't even realize but the processed additives, dies, coloring, syrups are causing cancer, diabetes, and obesity.  We need to wake up and pass on the flavor and get back to what is natural and what is good for the body.

I know we harp on these things all the time, but they are real, and they will get real results. Lifestyle changes is the key to results, longevity, balance, and growth. Try it for a time; a day, a week, a year and see the difference in how you feel, what you think, and who you become!

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