Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Johnson's midway post

Since we are on a roll with posting our couple challengers, check out this adorable couple. Everyone seems to be having good results, so I am excited to see how it all trns out. Cheer on Laura and Jaron Johnson!!!

Laura Johnson
So far, not too bad!! I've been forcing myself to eat something, ANYTHING, for breakfast besides just a coffee. I do well with that on days that I work, if I don't work then I usually forget to eat breakfast. And I have to say, I'm pretty proud of myself when it comes to eating chips. If you know me, you know these are my biggest weakness. So far, I can count on one hand how many times I've eaten chips, YAY ME!! My pounds aren't done too much (three pounds lost) but my clothes are fitting better, I feel like I have more energy, and I'm finally at that point where eating crappy foods makes me feel crappy and I can think of this BEFORE I stuff my face and make a better decision. As far as working out, I can't believe I've been soo busy that I literally haven't made it to the gym once. But we've been doing a some hiking here and there, I just need to make that time to be at the gym (even if it means getting up earlier to do so - but I just love my sleep so much!!)
Here's to the last few weeks!!!!!

Jaron Johnson
Been slimming down a little bit, mostly from just eating healthier and smaller portion sizes. Haven't been to the gym at all, but I've gotten a chance to play some basketball and go on hikes a little bit over the last few weeks. So far, I've lost about 6 pounds, and feeling so much better! Now if only I could find the motivation to get into the gym!

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