Monday, August 23, 2010

We Are What We Eat

This may sound a little bit harsh but TRUE. Everything that goes into our body plays a big role in our every day life. There are obvious things that have very harmful effects, but there are so many other things we consume that effect our routine . We are hearing constantly to eat healthy nutritious foods and to live a healthy lifestyle. but are we really understanding the importance? Many times it will stick with people for a bit and then they go right back to their old habits. Many times people just relate it to there weight and how they look. We often focus so much on the appearance aspect that we forget the most important reasons, such as our health and what gives us the most energy and helps us to focus.

Sometimes I hear people say ( I have been a culprit myself) that it doesn't matter what we eat because we are just going to work out and burn off the calories. Here is the problem. I have learned this the hard way many times. Any foods that you eat pre-workout that have no nutritious value will negatively effect you workout. You will feel it. Lethargic, no energy, no motivation, maybe even a stomach ache. However, if you fuel your body with the right foods such as protein, natural complex carbs, veggies, fruits, and even the right fats. You will see an amazing difference and have more effective workouts. So next time you go to pick up that candy bar, Coke, fried chicken, or ice cream, decide whether or not it is really worth it. It will give you nice little high at first and then you will hit a low. Stay tuned... our next post will be on foods you should eat and why they are good for your lifestyle.


  1. Great post! On a related note, I have a question for you guys: My friend just completed what is known as the Death Race here in Canada - a 125km run through the bush which took the fastest participant 12 hours to complete. My friend took 5th with a time of 15hrs 30 mins (Go Kev!). But in any case, he fuled himself at the different stops with things like chips, pizza, cup-of-noodles and de-carbonated diet coke. The other top runners chose the same type of high fat, high carb foods and it got me thinking, do these - what I would consider "trash" foods - have a place in exercise? I asked my friend how he could eat such crap and still do well and his response was that they provided him with lots of calories, salt and were easier to digest than complex carbohydrates. What do you think? Is there an upside to these food when you're doing something like a 125 km run? Or, do you think he could have done even better had he fueled with "good" foods like fruits, veggies and only water?

  2. That is a really good question...I think consuming a lot of calories is important when you are burning so many calories and exerting so much energy. For me personally I feel weighed down when I eat food like that. I feel like there are other fatty foods,carbs, and sugars that settle better. Such as nuts,sish(maybe smoked) oatmeal, fruit, jerkey, pasta, etc...I have never come close to doing anything like that before though. He prob. knows what he is doing where he did so well and is probably deeply involved. That is incredible!!
