Chandi Schwab
This is a great AB workout if you have access to a gym.
1)First find an AB bench and set it as horizontal as it can go, Grab a 10 lb weight and put it on the little hook. Do 20 sit-ups on it with arms crossed at your chest.Remember to look straight up so your body doesn't hunch. Grab the weight off of the hook. Keeping your shoulders off the bench rotate the weight back and forth to either side. Count each time you do your right side doing between 10 and 20.
2)Keep the bench the way it is and Lie on it the opposite e direction with your hands holding the hook. Bring your knees to your chest then extend your legs straight out doing this 10-20 times slowly. Before touching the ground to 10 inner circles with your legs and then 10 outer circles, then you can lower them and get up.
3)Find the AB machine and put when you put your legs up drop your knees to the side. Do 20 crunches straight up working your obliques. Switch sides and do 20 more. Then with your knees bent and your feet flat at the end of the bench do 20 more. you will feel it in your lower abs.
4)With a dip bar that you can rest your elbows on do 20 leg raises bringing you knees to your chest.
5)You should be feeling the burn. To end the workout do planks. Lie on your stomach, clasp your hands together and support your weight on your elbows. Hold that position for 30-60 seconds.
Feel the burn!!!You will see great results with this workout. Lower the reps or angle if you need to work your way up. I did!