Scott Schwab
With summer just around the corner, everyone is in the mad dash to get their bodies right and in shape. A lot of diets will simply have a person lose water weight and it won't make a big difference. However, there are some simple things that you can do, that I can guarantee that you will lose 10 pounds before the middle of June and be more confident with your body. We will cover a lot of things so if you have any questions let me know. First you have to cut out sugar as much as possible out of your diet. This means no more pop/soda, energy drinks, lattes, or essentially high fructose corn syrup. Eliminate it and replace it with water. There are additives that you can put in water that will give it a little flavor, but you will want to use ones that are not all sugar. You can grab some great ones at a supplement store or an online supplement store. You will want to drink a lot of water to flush your body of the toxins. It may also be a good idea to start with a 3 day detox for the body. The next suggestion is to take your meals and cut them in half! This is not an option, it is required. We eat way to much and our portions just continue to expand our bellies and our belts. What you will do with the extra food you ask? Share it with a friend, divide it into 6 meals or eat it as leftovers. The goal is to start with a meal as soon as you wake up. Repeat the eating of meals every 2-3 hours, mixed in with a lot of water. The combination will really increase your metabolism. Even if you have a hard time or can't eat breakfast; whatever the excuse, just try it for 4 weeks and love the results. Another aid that you can do is taking a product called thermogenix. It helps the natural speeding of the metabolism and actually increases the temperature of your body, which will burn more fat. Finally it is so essential to work out and exercise. You can do things at home, at a gym, and at a park. I think the best workout that you can do anywhere is push ups and sit ups. Get creative! Do push ups with your feet up on the couch, and then turn and do more push ups with your arms on the couch and feet on the floor. Also simple positioning of the hands, changes the intensity of the push up. If you have them close together it will target the inner chest. The wider that you hold your hands you will have more focus to your outer chest. Of course with the push up you are working your back, shoulders, chest, arms, and if you can focus on flexing your abs; they will be worked well. I personally think getting a gym membership is helpful because you have spent the money and there is a commitment needed. It also is easier, in my opinion to go somewhere rather than thinking I will just do something at home. However; again you have to know yourself and by knowing your motivation you may be able to do your workout at home. It is also a good idea to get a protein that has a dietry supplement that will give you the needed protein, but help to speed the process of health and fitness. It can also provide a meal or snack, depending on whether you mix it with a smoothie, or water, or milk. Anyway do these things and I can promise that you will lose 10 pounds before the weather really gets ready to see your body.
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