Friday, May 22, 2009

Stretching daily

Scott Schwab

We have posted on the importance of stretching before, but I wanted to add a little snippet of something that I recently read. Stretching is the lifeline of longevity. As we age we become less able and desirous of lifting weights and more concerned with cardio health. However; the fact is, that if we don't spend the time stretching all through our lives, we will not be flexible and as able to do the things that we want to do later in life. You have probably seen in certain older people that cannot lift their hands above their heads, simply because that is one activity that is discontinued as we age. The simple stretch of reaching for the sky should be done everyday and especially to start the day to get the blood pumping. It is also proven that the longer that you spend stretching, the further that you will be able to stretch. As you incorporate this daily and do one day of intense stretching, you will achieve more and be able to use your time in the gym or exercising more effectively. Stretching is the difference in many ways to a healthier life, free from injury and pain in joints and ligaments. Have a great weekend and enjoy the Memorial day.

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