Monday, March 12, 2012

8 week Challenge Results

Chandi Schwab:




This challenge has flown by, and so has my Boston Marathon Training. It is 4 weeks away from Monday. I really can't believe it. I am so exhausted. Especially my legs. Tomorrow I have a 17 miler, and next Saturday I have a 20 miler and then the tapering begins, so it's no wonder I am exhausted. This is the hardest thing I have ever done. Not just the training but trying hard to be a good mother and wife at the same time which is what is most important. It is such a balancing act. I have tried to focus more on how my body feels than crunching the numbers that are on the schedule . If my legs are absolutely beat I shave a couple miles off, or slow down, and if I am feeling good, I push myself harder. I met 2 amazing girls at the gym that have let me join their Saturday runs. They are much faster than I am so it has pushed me to my limits in a good way:) They talk to each other up ahead of me, and i just try to keep them in visible distance and push myself as hard as I can. I have seen a huge improvement in my pace and I am so grateful for them. So shout out to Kim and Jane!:)
The only thing I haven't been able to accomplish is my swimming goal. The pool at Gold's is always so crowded and not worth the fight. I know that it would have been a great asset to my cross-training and strengthening my lungs though.
All in all it went well. I want to push it hard this next week and really look forward to the tapering for some repair work. I am so grateful for Scott and the kids for supporting me so much and putting up with my stinky self;)

Scott Schwab:



This challenge has been a beast. My weight has fluctuated more than any other time I have done a challenge. There were weeks where had I just maintained I would have reached my goal, and other weeks where I was up 15 pounds from where I wanted to end up. Unfortunately, I gained 5 pounds and can officially report that I look worse than my previous picture. The funny thing is that I feel better and I feel stronger. My goal of running 10% of what Chandi runs did get completed and though I am not a runner, I saw some great improvement. It comes down to better discipline and working more on cardio.
I love working out and lifting weights, but there are other things that I want to accomplish and I believe I could compete more effectively at a lower weight. Truthfully, it was good for me to see that I cant just wing it and get the results that I want. I will continue to run and continue to make the adjustments so that I can get to the weight and feeling that I want. I also had great success with my reading and mental improvement which is even more important for me than the physical gains alone. I did not do great with waking up and found my average continually at around 6:45-7, which does not leave me the time to get what I need done.
We were able to continually pay off debt and keep our march headed towards debt freedom. We were able to do some fun things with our business including sponsoring the BYU Hawaii business plan competition with our program, and do something similar with a local State college. I am recommiting myself to do better and complete what I commit!

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