Saturday, March 31, 2012

Shannon's Update

Shannon Willardson:
Lessons Learned from Week ONE of the FOUR-WEEK Challenge:

Well, week one of the Four-week challenge is basically OVER, which makes it a good time to assess how we did and to see what we can garnish from it. If you're following along in this little challenge, I invite you to do the same thing! Here were my goals & how I did on each one of them this week, rated on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being 'Woot woot! I OWNED that goal!' and 1 being 'Ah Poop - that goal OWNED ME.' ):

My Goals:
a) 1 serving of fresh vegetables MINIMUM of per day: 4 (goal owned ME)
b) ONE ‘free meal’ per week… not SIX: 9 (owned that goal!)
c) protein shakes at night instead of cookies: 8 (owned that goal!)
d) 2 hours of cardio per week & 4 days of weight-training: 6 (I did 1 hour of cardio and lifted 3 days... a little bit of owning and a little bit of being owned.)
e) 1.5 gallons of water per day: 7 ( a little bit of owning and a little bit of being owned.)

Lessons Learned from Week 1:
-If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. One of the major mistakes I made was failing to write down my goals and hang them somewhere where I could see them & be reminded of them. I think I could have done better on them if I HAD done this.

-Having a GOAL or a challenge increases the motivation levels - BIG TIME. This is one of the reasons why I love giving myself challenges. I noticed this week that there were many instances where I did better because I thought 'I'm doing that 4-week challenge. I gotta just do this thang.' Whether it was actually getting myself to the gym when I might not have otherwise, pushing myself harder once I was there, or making healthier food choices when I realized that I was about to eat something unhealthy that I wasn't REALLY craving... all of these things became easier and more appealing because the Challenge was in the back of my mind. I LOVE working toward a goal, pushing myself, and feeling myself get stronger - in body and in mind.

-Be Nice to Yourself. Just like with anything worth pursuing in life, there are challenges involved and set-backs along the way. that's part of what makes it so rewarding when we reach those goals! so when you DO have a set-back or two, BE NICE TO YOURSELF! don't beat yourself up. don't tell yourself yourself that 'maybe you just can't do this'. the power of our MINDS is intense - super intense! I believe that if we train ourselves to THINK WE CAN, even when we've just barely had some setbacks, then WE there is great power behind a positive & encourage power of our thoughts and mindsets are

So hooray for learning awesome lessons! That's REALLY the whole point, right? Because this is about PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION, RIGHT? Right!

Now here are a few THINGS THAT I REFUSE TO DO: (including when I am doing a 4-week challenge, or ANY 'challenge' for that matter):

a) I Refuse to weigh myself daily. Nope - won't do it. Once or at most twice a week people. THAT'S. IT. Friday morning is the day I've chosen because I like to see where I'm at by the end of the week. If I ever do more than once a week, it's on a Monday so I know where I started the week at. But I'll be honest - I'm not a huge believer in weighing yourself, and I might even advise to not do it at all and base your progress on how you feel and how you look rather than some stupid number on the scale. Those numbers can be VERY deceiving. I went a long, long time where I didn't weigh myself - at all. For the record though, if you ARE going to weigh yourself, DO NOT DO IT EVERYDAY, and make sure you do it first thing in the morning, after you've used the bathroom, before drinking or eating anything, without any clothes on. Word?

b) I Refuse to put myself on a diet. Repeat after me everyone: DIETS ARE DUMB. This is something we're gonna talk A LOT more about in future posts, but I am a FIRM believe that Diets are little more than just a big fat recipe for failure and DO NOT WORK. We'll go more in depth in the future on what we do INSTEAD of 'dieting'. But here's a little quote that I LOVE:

(this is a hard concept for the general public to understand!)

c) I Refuse to put this goal or anything else above the things that matter most to me: my faith & my family. Let me give you an example that happened this very morning. My husband and I planned to watch a broadcast that happens in our church twice a year. It's called General Conference and it's something we really look forward to because it is SO inspiring & uplifting. I had planned to wake up early and go workout prior to this conference. But things didn't go as planned and I woke up late, & more importantly, my husband really wanted me around this morning before going off to be with family to watch the Conference on T.V. Now I'm lucky to have an incredibly supportive husband who is unselfish and understanding. He didn't try to persuade me to stay home with him & would have been fine if I had decided to go workout. BUT, it was one of those times when I could tell that it would have meant a lot to him if I stayed home with him instead of going to the gym. So ya know what I did? I stayed home. I missed my workout today, but people: I would not have traded hanging out with husband this morning for going to the gym ANY DAY. Because bottom line is this: my husband's feelings and more important than one workout at the gym. Period. (note: husband & I usually just go to the gym together, but he had some school assignments due this morning that prevented him from being able to just go with me...just for the record.)

What I'm Going To Do Differently This Week:
a) Write down and hang up my goals where I can see them!

b) Get organized and plan a little better so that I'm more prepared and therefore more LIKELY to reach my goals.

c) buy more vegetables to ensure that I have my 1 serving of fresh veggies daily.

d) RECOMMIT MYSELF! Keep up the good work in the goals I did well on, & recommit myself to the goals that needed improvement.

In light of that, here is one of my favorite quotes that serves as a good reminder when we're pursuing our goals:

SO HOW DID YOU DO? TELL US WHAT LESSONS YOU LEARNED THIS WEEK! And good luck this week with your goals!


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rise of the Machines

Scott Schwab:
I wanted to focus a post on some of the machines that will actually give a good workout. Many times I see people on machines just taking a break or going through the motions. Any movement is better than no movement, but these exercises will be sure to help you build good muscle.

Pull Down Bar:
Using the pull down bar focuses on a couple of different areas. First you will be working the shoulders and arms and extend the workout through the chest, back and even abs and obliques. The best way to get a great workout is put on the weight where you can pull it down without having to heave backwards and coming off the seat. Get a comfortable weight and slowly bring the bar down as far on your chest as possible. Allow the bar to come up slowly and when your arms are at a 90 degree angle, bring the bar down behind your head as close to the shoulders as possible. This will effectively work the entire upper body.

Leg Extensions:
Leg extensions are great and when done correctly it will work the quads, hamstrings, core, lower back, booty, and even down into the calf muscles. The controlled weight and tension allows for the exercise to be slow and calculated which prevents pulling and straining of muscles. Put a weight that is comfortable but pushes you. The best result is doing medium weight and multiple reps and sets. Working these muscles will release a lot of testosterone, which will burn fat and build lean muscle.

Seated Row:
Again, an exercise that will work many muscle groups. Expect a great workout for the back, shoulders, arms, abs, and chest. If done improperly the back will feel the strain. That is why it is important to choose a lower to medium weight and have your back straight with proper posture. Do this exercise as slow as possible and flex your chest, abs, and arms for increased burn. Lock your legs for stability or push yourself up on your tip toes and do the exercise flexing your calf muscles.

Abdominal machine:
Curls can be stressful on the back and neck. Many gyms have an ab machine which allows for participants to have handles positioned above their head and a fixed bar at variable levels to put your feet higher or lower. This variety is on purpose, where it will work different parts of your abs which is wonderful. What I like to do so I get a complete workout is do 10 reps at each of the levels and even have a set of 10 that I hold my legs out higher than the bar extended. It is also beneficial to turn to the side and include your sides in the exercise.

If you notice with these exercises, we are pulling in multiple muscle groups and areas. This not only gives a more complete workout, but will release more testosterone, which as a direct result will burn more fat.
Also remember the secret of doing cardio after you have done your workout. The purpose for this is burning more calories as blood is flowing through your body. Starting with cardio does not release as much testosterone and therefore the body is not as responsive with burning fat as with doing weights first.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Winner winner chicken dinner

Congratulations to our winners of the New Year 8 week challenge. Great work to everyone that participated.


Sam Woods


Anne Woods

Sam and Anne are the first couple to win the challenge as a couple. They did great and showed what it is really like to work as a team and achieve goals. You both look great and we will be sending out your free gift cards to the Foot Locker for the win. Keep up the great work and again congratulations!!!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Guest Poster ~Shannon Willardson~


Hi everyone! I'm so excited for the opportunity to do a weekly post on Mixers Nutrition. Scott & Chandi Schwab are a couple of my fitness idols, cuz I mean, let's be serious - have you seen their bods? Hot DANG! They know their stuff, and clearly they LIVE it too. Now I personally am no fitness guru, but I’ve learned a few things along the way, & what I DO know is that the quest to reach personal health and fitness goals can be quite the roller-coaster ride. Take it from someone who has gone from training 35 hours a week as a competitive gymnast to maintaining a good 20 lbs. over a healthy body weight for my height, to trying (& failing) at every single diet in the book, to giving up completely and feeding my face with whatever I wanted until it hurt, to competing in a fitness competition last summer. If in my 27 years I've yet to experience EVERY challenging or rewarding aspect of personal fitness, one thing is for sure: I know the emotional and mental toll that the pursuit for personal fitness can have upon a person - for thegood, and sometimes for the tormenting and terrible.

My hope in these little weekly posts is to have you join me on a little journey ... one where we make discoveries together about what works in reference to personal fitness, and what doesn't. And not just in regards to the usual stuff, like 'What do I eat? How many reps of that move should I do? What exercise should I do to work the pectoralis-abdominius-gluteus-maximus-minimus...errr, whatever that muscle is called? How can I end up looking like Chandi Schwab? (THAT one I'm still trying to figure out!!).' I'd also like to discover what works in regards to the way we look at personal fitness and healthy eating and taking care of our bodies. Which mentalities and perspectives foster success and which ones seem to promote failure? What is our motivation behind our pursuit for personal fitness, and is it the right one? In my experience, how someone answers these questions has a huge bearing on the level of success they find in their fitness pursuits... AND whether they're miserable in that pursuit or empowered and invigorated. OUR GOAL IS TO BE EMPOWERED & INVIGORATED! NOT MISERABLE! Right? Right Guys? Bueller? Bueller?

Ok - so now that I've got you all thinking 'When is this girl gonna stop talking?!’, I'll Get On With It! To kick this discovery process off, I am putting MYSELF on a 4-week challenge. You are more than welcome to join me!! Why 4 weeks, you ask? Seems a bit short, you say? I agree! But it turns out I got a wedding to attend (not mine – I’m happily married to THIS DREAMBOAT and have been for over a year now thank you!) that I need to look smokin-hot for, and it’s in exactly one month from YESTERDAY, so I gots to get crackin'. Plus, I've learned from personal experience that the changes a human body can make in a mere four weeks when some consistency and diligence are applied are fairly remarkable. So 4-WEEK CHALLENGE IT IS! GAME ON!

Before Pics:

Ummm, remember how I’m awkwardly holding a newspaper in this pic? Blame it on the days when I tried the ‘Body for Life’ diet – ever heard of it? All of the people who did that program took their ‘Before’ pics holding that day’s newspaper … to prove that it was current I guess? I suddenly feel real dumb about this. Try not to judge me.

Yep – those are my awesome love handles. AND that’s my super angry face.
Oh, and if you’re judging me for wearing these awkward, 5-inch tall shoes, I’m not even mad. I’m judging myself too. It’s just that I’m a short little gal (5’2” and ¾ to be exact), and I always end up wearing big ol’ heels, so I figgered I ought to here as well. So sue me!

Challenge Start date: Friday, March 23rd, 2012
Challenge End Date: April 20th. 2012
Starting weight: 114.2
Starting body fat: 18%?
(I actually have no idea, but I’m gonna guess around 18% maybe? Maybe higher? I’ll get it taken professionally at the end of this challenge.)

-1 serving of fresh vegetables MINIMUM of per day
(microwaveable doesn’t count)
-ONE ‘free meal’ per week… not SIX.
(historically I STINK at eating clean on the weekends. We’re gonna change try to change that.)
-protein shakes at night instead of cookies
(um, yeah. I may or may not have a slight obsession with cookies. No seriously. It’s bad. The goal here is NOT to say that I CAN’T have a cookie when I want one. Rather, it is to ask myself in a moment where I’m thinking about reaching for one: ‘is this REALLY what I’m craving? Is there a healthier choice that would be as satisfying? On a scale of 1-10, how badly do I want this right now?’ If it’s a 10, then I give myself full permission to eat the cookie. Maybe even two. Yep – I just said that. But if the answer is ‘eh, I could probs be happy with a protein shake instead tonight’, then protein shake it is!)
-2 hours of cardio per week & 4 days of weight-training.
-1.5 gallons of water per day.

These are my goals for the 4 week challenge. I’d LOVE to lose about 4 lbs. or so, but what I’m even more interested in is my body fat percentage. Who cares what the scale says if you like the way you look, right? So in 4 weeks, I would LOVE to be around 15-16% body fat. You can watch for my weekly accounting & reporting each Saturday. Wish me luck!

Quote of the day

Scott Schwab:
Today's quote come from the book The Power Of Positive Thinking by Norman vincent Peale. This is an incredible book and one that will change your life.

"Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain. Practice confidence and faith and your fears and insecurities will soon have no power over you."

-Norman Vincent Peale-

New Guest Poster...Shannon Willardson

We also wanted to introduce a new guest blogger. Her name is Shannon Willardson. She will be doing a blog each week, normally on Saturdays, about a variety of subjects that relate to the health and fitness world. She also has a fun trendy fashion blog at We look forward to her first post tomorrow, so stay tuned!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Motivated by change

Scott Schwab:
Ask yourself right now what motivates you? Many people have many forms of motivation, but what about change? Most people are uncomfortable with it and in fact try to avoid it at all costs. Because change is difficult and often times represents a change from what we are comfortable doing.

Change vs. Growth:
It is unlikely that a person can make positive change without change itself. Changes in life are absolute, but change as a person is optional. I was outside today raking the lawn and I noticed that the lawn had become comfortable in its average state. Not growing and not really changing. As I raked out the dead grass, it was like the blades of grass were screaming "no not me." However, if the grass is ever too grow and obtain greatness, or turn green, it must be raked properly.

The dead grass holds down the new sprouts from sprouting. From the snow, lack of photosynthesis, and a season of inconsistent moisture: leaves the lawn both dead and struggling. However, by racking and pulling off the layer of dead grass, those sprouting roots start to appear and take shape. It also gives air, light, and water to the grass to assist the growth.

Much like my example with grass, we similarly have bad (dead) habits that keep us from growth. We hold on to past hate, resent, and missed opportunities which all represent "dead grass." For us to move forward we must move on! I read a book this week which I would recommend everyone to read; Who Moved My Cheese. I wont give away the story but it is perfect for those of us looking at change through a different set of lenses. This is represented by four characters; Hem, Haw, Sniff, and scurry. A great book and one that will help give you a new perspective on change and how it can save your life!

Change something or start changing something about yourself this weekend that will better your life. Even if it is hard and your initial thought is resistance, this is more of a reason to push through and achieve. Have a great weekend.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Quote of the day

Scott Schwab:
The quote of the day comes from a guru Zig Ziglar. Many probably know exactly who he is, but if you don't an have not read his material it is worth it.

"We can get anything we want in our lives, if we help enough people get what they want."

-Zig Ziglar-

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

8 week challengers

Cara Sullenger:



I didn't reach all my goals, but I am actually surprised at how well I did with working out. I did a 30 day challenge on and I know I've gotten a lot stronger just from doing that. I even graduated from girl pushups to man's!! I wasn't working out at all before this challenge and am now working out 4 times a week and will soon be getting a gym pass, so I'm excited about that. I lost 3 lbs (was hoping for 8) and a little over 4 inches total. I had been stuck at the same weight for a couple months and was frustrated, so now that I've lost a few and have started getting better habits, I hope it continues to come off. I was a lot more organized with preparing my lesson and reading my scriptures and I was a lot better with eating fruit and veggies with almost every meal. The two things I failed at were drinking 64 oz of water and going to bed before 11 pm. But each day I thought about it and tried to do it :) I did do better the last two weeks with going to bed early and hope to continue going to bed earlier and earlier. I'm hoping to do the next 8 week challenge now that I am more aware of what goals I really need to set for myself to get better results!

Josh Schiffman:



My 8 week challenge was good. I am down to 199 pounds which is a good first step. I want to continue the trend downwards and I am excited with the success that I have seen in such a short time.
I did obtain my reading goals and really enjoyed the growth that came from the books. I plan to continue the focus on continued development and knowledge. Most of all my family is healthy and we have changed habits that will help us all to live better lives.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Here are the challengers

Anne Woods:



Goal: Drink 70 oz of H20 a day
Actual: This one is very much habit now!
Goal: Make dinner my smallest meal of the day
Actual: This was hard to do with the family... but they were troopers, lots more soups and salads and beans. Also, it has become habitual to have at least 2 nights a week where we have soup or salad.
Goal: Treat the weekends just like another part of the week (pertaining to eating and sleeping)
Actual: Did good, more often than not I was on with this one
Goal: No eating after dinner
Actual: Lots of sugar free werther's were consumed post dinner :)
Goal: Get to the gym at least 4 X's a week (one day of swim, spin, upper body, and lower body)
Actual: Got 6 workouts every week, except one where I got 5. Really proud of this one. Lots of early mornings and running on the treadmill during naps to make this happen. I go to 2 spinning class a week now. And swim on Wednesday. I love that these things are now part of my routine.

It was all worth it! I lost 9.7 lbs... and my goal was 8lbs. I really appreciated the motivation that this challenge provided! My confidence and mood have definitely been boosted. I am more than thrilled with the results. My next goal is to keep this lifestyle up! Thanks Scott and Chandi! This blog is a lot of work and we appreciate all the tips and encouragement!

Sam Woods:



Goal: 4+ workouts weekly
Result: completed without exception
Goal: 2 sodas & 2 desserts weekly
Result: completed 3 of the 8 weeks
Pack my lunch for work the night before
Result: 85% completed
Goal: Drink 100 oz of water daily
Result: 90% completed
Goal: Hard candy, gum and tea only after dinner
Result: Nope.... way too many nights of snacks and/or dessert
Goal: Lose 13 lbs. (from 208 to goal of 195)
Result: Lost 9 lbs. (from 208 to 199)

Overall, I'm very happy to be out of the 'two bills' category.
The last week of the challenge was by far my best and I've never been
able to finish so strong. Thanks, Mixers!

Monday, March 12, 2012

8 week Challenge Results

Chandi Schwab:




This challenge has flown by, and so has my Boston Marathon Training. It is 4 weeks away from Monday. I really can't believe it. I am so exhausted. Especially my legs. Tomorrow I have a 17 miler, and next Saturday I have a 20 miler and then the tapering begins, so it's no wonder I am exhausted. This is the hardest thing I have ever done. Not just the training but trying hard to be a good mother and wife at the same time which is what is most important. It is such a balancing act. I have tried to focus more on how my body feels than crunching the numbers that are on the schedule . If my legs are absolutely beat I shave a couple miles off, or slow down, and if I am feeling good, I push myself harder. I met 2 amazing girls at the gym that have let me join their Saturday runs. They are much faster than I am so it has pushed me to my limits in a good way:) They talk to each other up ahead of me, and i just try to keep them in visible distance and push myself as hard as I can. I have seen a huge improvement in my pace and I am so grateful for them. So shout out to Kim and Jane!:)
The only thing I haven't been able to accomplish is my swimming goal. The pool at Gold's is always so crowded and not worth the fight. I know that it would have been a great asset to my cross-training and strengthening my lungs though.
All in all it went well. I want to push it hard this next week and really look forward to the tapering for some repair work. I am so grateful for Scott and the kids for supporting me so much and putting up with my stinky self;)

Scott Schwab:



This challenge has been a beast. My weight has fluctuated more than any other time I have done a challenge. There were weeks where had I just maintained I would have reached my goal, and other weeks where I was up 15 pounds from where I wanted to end up. Unfortunately, I gained 5 pounds and can officially report that I look worse than my previous picture. The funny thing is that I feel better and I feel stronger. My goal of running 10% of what Chandi runs did get completed and though I am not a runner, I saw some great improvement. It comes down to better discipline and working more on cardio.
I love working out and lifting weights, but there are other things that I want to accomplish and I believe I could compete more effectively at a lower weight. Truthfully, it was good for me to see that I cant just wing it and get the results that I want. I will continue to run and continue to make the adjustments so that I can get to the weight and feeling that I want. I also had great success with my reading and mental improvement which is even more important for me than the physical gains alone. I did not do great with waking up and found my average continually at around 6:45-7, which does not leave me the time to get what I need done.
We were able to continually pay off debt and keep our march headed towards debt freedom. We were able to do some fun things with our business including sponsoring the BYU Hawaii business plan competition with our program, and do something similar with a local State college. I am recommiting myself to do better and complete what I commit!

Chandi Schwab
Do you feel like a slug? Is it hard to get the energy to do anything active? Do you take the time to eat energy boosting foods throughout the day? It is so important to know how to fuel our bodies. So many people think they need to stay away from carbs when in reality carbohydrates are the primary human energy fuels, generating the glucose that makes work and play possible. With a bit of protein to sustain your endurance and some vitamins and minerals to battle inflammation, minimally processed carbs, which raise your blood sugar slowly and moderately, are the star players in a diet for active people. Sugary foods (candy, cookies, soda, fruit drinks), elevate your energy level briefly but then drop you to new lows as your body attempts to balance its sugar-fired insulin level. High-fat foods slow down digestion and thereby delay access to energy. Therefore it is more about eating the right carbs, and staying active! Here is a list of All Star energy foods that I love!

Oatmeal: Don’t forget the oatmeal ever! Start your day with oatmeal. This is an excellent healthy food that not only makes digestion easier but also stabilizes blood glucose level (because of its complex carbohydrates and fibre content). Fiber content in the oatmeal helps you to get a steady stream of energy. Oats also contain Vitamin B which helps transform carbohydrates into usable energy.

All Natural Peanut Butter: Peanut butter is an excellent source of protein and good source of fiber. The soluble fiber in peanut butter prevents dietary fat and helps to control blood glucose. Peanut butter also rich with the amino acid arginine that helps to relax blood vessels and better blood pressure control.

Yogurt: A highly nutritious food which contains Vitamins B2, B5 and B12. Plus, a great source of protein, calcium, zinc, phosphorous, iodine. Yogurt is a very good health food. I love Greek yogurt!

Blueberries:Like other fruits and vegetables, blueberries release sugar into your blood slowly and have high fiber content, lowering your cholesterol level and the risk of digestive problems. That same little blueberry contains cancer-preventing antioxidants as well as properties that slow cognitive decline associated with age.

Citrus Fruits: Vitamin C is extremely important for gaining energy. Also, the minerals and dietary fibre that present in the citrus fruits are necessary for the growth of the body. Besides these, citrus fruits contain fructose, glucose and sucrose and citric acid. Oranges, grapefruit and lemon are the best citrus fruits for good health.

Spinach: Good source of Vitamin B and folic acid. It’s a high energy food along with sprouts, broccoli, and asparagus. Sweet potatoes are also very energy-boosting. Rich with copper, dietary fibre, iron, potassium, manganese. But that’s not all sweet potatoes are also good sources of Vitamin A, B6 and C. An excellent energy food rich with a lot of valuable nutrients.

Bananas:Bananas provide a lot of potassium, an electrolyte that helps maintain normal nerve and muscle function. Unlike some nutrients, the body doesn’t store potassium for long periods of time. This means that your potassium level can drop during times of stress or during strenuous exercise when the nutrient is lost through excessive sweating. The sugar in bananas is an easily digested form of carbohydrate.

Almonds:These little guys are great if you’re looking to improve your focus and mental clarity. Monounsaturated fats such as almonds provide essential fatty acids, known as omega-3s and omega-6s that produce an alert mental state.

Lentils:Beans are a great source of fiber, which translates to a slow release of glucose, as well as B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium and copper. Lentils provide both carbohydrates and protein, making them a great addition to any meal. Lentils help reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure, and they’re low in fat and calories to boot.

Water:Without water, your body cannot generate energy. Water makes it possible for your system to digest, absorb and transport nutrients. It also helps regulate body temperature. When you’re dehydrated, your cells receive nutrients for energy less efficiently, and your body can’t properly expend heat through sweating. Both conditions lead to fatigue. Aim to drink eight to 10 eight-ounce glasses of water a day.

Sustained Energy Boosters:
A balance of nutrients is really what’s going to give you sustained energy because your body digests protein, fats and carbohydrates differently. In other words, you can eat them all at the same time but they are all going to be processed differently. Carbohydrates start being digested in your mouth, protein starts in your stomach and fat doesn’t start until it reaches your intestines. That’s why foods that are combinations of nutrients give you sustained energy.

Quick Energy Boosters:
The quickest energy is from carbohydrates. That’s the body’s first preferences for energy. Did you ever hear about carbohydrate loading? That’s what marathon runners do when they run a long race, they carb load. The reason they do that is because your body’s first preference for fuel is from stored carbohydrate, and you store carbohydrate as glycogen in your muscles and your liver.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Quote of the day

Scott Schwab:
A great quote from a guy that I worked with once upon a time. One of the best guys that I have ever associated with. I do not know the original, but it makes a lot of sense.

"No matter where you go, there you are!"

-Kevin W. Stewart-

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Worst foods you can eat

Scott Schwab:
If you are anything like I am, I find that I fluctuate in weight pretty rapidly. However, in doing some studying I have found that it is quite common for the masses. More than anything, the relation to fluctuation comes from our diet and our activity. I have compiled a list of foods that if you are going to eat, have some control and only eat a little, but if possible should be avoided.

10 Worst Foods

1) Processed Freezer Foods: This includes everything from chicken pot pies, to burritos, to tecqitos, to frozen pizzas. Though it seems like the price is good so the value is equal, think again, these frozen meals are often times equal to a full day of your caloric intake and multiple days of saturated fat.
2) Restaurant Entrees: Not only are you getting way more than you need, but the way that it is cooked and combined is more of the problem. Take for instance one of my favorites from Olive Garden: The tour of Italy. Lasagna, Chicken Marsala, and Fettuccine Alfredo is equivalent to an entire day of calories and 6000 mg of sodium. Lets not pick on the O.G., because there are many restaurants that have the same problems.
3) High sodium soups: Another sodium overload. One can of soup is not one serving, it is actually two servings. At that amount you are consuming 760 mg of sodium. Foods high in sodium create problems, so make sure you make the choice not just because soup is supposedly healthy, but pay attention to the salt!
4) Deep fried delights: Chimichangas, tortillas, burritos, etc. Often times the good authentic taste comes with a cost. Restaurants do use lard at times to cook their food. Not a good combination for a person watching their lb's. However, even if you find a place that will cook with olive oil, you still need to watch the for flour tortillas, cheese portion, sour cream, and guac. Rather than finding a burrito bigger than your face, look for items made from corn and stick to the veggies.
5) Cheese Cake and other Cake: Now I am all about celebrating and enjoying time out, but realize what comes with it. Deserts come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but if you can keep it small, do it. For example Cheese Cake Factories, chocolate tower truffle cake and PF Chang's great wall of China cake, are equivalent to 1,700 calories and 50 grams or (two days worth of sodium). With a meal and drinks, we now are looking at the calories for an entire week.
6) Pastries in a can or a box: Pastries with rich cream and frosting are great, however know what you are getting into. It is so easy to buy a donut or cinnamon role to start or end the day. Even more appealing at times is the aroma of cinnamon roles baking in our oven and frosting that we just need to spread over our rolls. Think again, plan on about 500 calories per cinnamon role and about 300 for donuts. That may not be bad for a meal, but can you just eat 1? Also consider that many hydrogenated oils are used in these products and trans fat and sugars will get you.
7) Margarine: Just a tablespoon of margarine is equivalent to 2 grams of saturated fat and more than a days worth of trans fats. Next time you are buttering up your bread, look at how much you are spreading. I have found myself making sure that every square inch of my toast is covered and I usually eat two pieces of toast. Without even realizing, I have just ruined anything I did in my exercise.
8) Mocha and Latte: Wow, you want some calories sugars, and yes fat, look no further than Starbucks. Many of these popular drinks include a huge amount of sugar and fat. Often times it is the pick me up or the way to start the day, however, realize that by consuming 1 white chocolate Mocha. Just to give you a comparison, that is 580 calories which is more than a McDonald's Quarter Pounder. Im lovin it!
9) Ice cream: Most of us love the stuff and it is the staple to almost every birthday. However, next time you think about opening up a quart or pint for a late night snack consider what you are consuming. On average a half cup of ice cream is 300 calories, 1/3 of the recommended cholesterol, and half of the daily recommended saturated fat. Now, if we can all be honest, who just eats a half cup?
10) Soda: Diet or not, you need to watch what you are drinking. Consider the average American who has 3 sodas per day. Rapidly the oz consumed is sky rocketing. It used to be that the average amount of soda consumed would be 8-16oz at a time. Currently the average amount consumed during a sitting is 32oz.
Now think of how many times the cup, mug, or pitcher is refilled? Next time you are out at a restaurant, keep track of how many refills people get at one sitting. Each oz of soda is equivalent to 96 calories and 3.4 grams of sugar. Diet, is slightly less, but it is manufactured differently. Please don't think that because it says diet you are better off because you are not. Also statements or labels on food are monitored by the FDA, but there are clever ways of changing the vocabulary so the bad stuff can be categorized in many different ways.

It comes down to a couple of things. Portion control is most important. The more we eat, the more our stomachs expand. Overtime, the expanding fist size stomach, becomes much larger. Over eating is a pattern and has some difficult consequences. The other thing it comes down to is making better choices. Do I love sweats and sugar, yes... just like the next guy, but I ask myself the question of whether it is worth it. Sometimes that is yes, but when it is yes, I also know what my next day is going to look like at the gym. Remember that intake of calories and output or calories burned should stay equal for us to maintain our weight. If we burn more than we consume; well, most of the time that equates to weight loss. Also look at your days and weeks and see how many calories you consume in liquid form. It is often surprising to people how many calories they consume through soda, shakes, energy drinks, etc.

Here is a great website that you may want to take a look at, when you have additional time. Copy and paste the link. You can get free materials and helpful information.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Healthy Snacking

Chandi Schwab
You know those days that you want to snack all day but you don't want the calories. Here are some great snack ideas that have the perfect mix to satisfy your cravings and your appetite. I really like the mixture of nuts and fruit. Especially for energy. There are many more ideas below. Check them out!

Snack Ideas

-Blueberries and Greek Yogurt
-Cottage Cheese with Fresh Pineapple Chunks
-Cheese Bites with Whole Grain Crackers
-Instant Oatmeal
-Carrots and Hummus
-Pear and String Cheese
-All Natural Peanut Butter and Honey Sandwich
-Raw Veggies and Salad dressing or Hummus
-Breakfast Cereal( no or low sugar)
-Cherry Tomatoes and Pine Nuts
-Canned Chicken and Crackers
-Sugar Snap Peas and Grated Parmesan
-Seasoned Tuna
-Canned Peaches and Sunflower Seeds
-Crispbread with Cottage Cheese and Apple
-Vegetable Sushi Rolls
-Peanut Butter Apple Slices
-Pretzels and Honey Mustard
-Banana with Peanut Butter
-Multi grain Chips and Salsa
-Applesauce with Pecans
-Turkey with Apple Slices
-Apple with Swiss Cheese
-Avocado with Sea Salt
-Crunchy Garbanzo Beans
-Scrambled Eggs and Salsa
-Tomato with Mozzarella
-Almonds and Oranges
-Hard Boiled Egg and Banana
-Turkey Jerky
-Turkey Wrap
-Vegetable Chips

Have a Sweet Tooth?

-Chocolate-Covered Almonds
-Fruit Sorbet
-Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich
-Frozen Fruit Bars
-Fruit Smoothie
-Fruit and Yogurt Waffle
-Frozen Grapes
-Yogurt covered pretzels
-Yogurt covered Raisins

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Last week

Scott Schwab:
Hey challengers, this is the last week to make it happen. Have no fear, it went quick and I am sure there were improvements made. Focus on the positive. Did you achieve what you wanted to, well look at it objectively, but also realistically. We generally know where we can improve, the question will be if we do.
If you haven't tried these items, it may be a good time to give them a try.

1) 3 day cleanse
2) Drink your body weight in oz for the week
3) Commit to not eating fried foods
4) Commit to not eating processed foods
5) Have a great week with consistent exercise

Of course this may not apply to your goals, but apply the principle of consistency and momentum and you will achieve anything you set out to accomplish. Have a great week and send in your pictures and your post results by Monday of next week. Good luck and we will begin voting next week.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Health is where your Heart is

Chandi Schwab
We are always talking about developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I think the best way we can achieve this is through being passionate about the healthy goals we set. A healthy lifestyle is a way of living that allows you to enjoy more aspects of your life in a more fulfilling way. It is not about forcing yourself to eat things you don't enjoy or running miles you have no desire to run. It is about implementing what you do enjoy physically and nutritionally into your life, and creating a balance physically, mentally,socially, and spiritually. It is about making specific choices that give you the opportunity to feel your best for as long as you can. Living a healthy lifestyle is about saying YES to what life has to offer. I know this sounds cheesy but it is true!

Three Essential Ways to Live Healthy
Do you want to have a body that can support you well into your old age? Do you wish to have mental clarity, quality relationships, good working internal functions, or even an overall feeling of well being? Well, living a healthy lifestyle is what can get you there, or at least improve your condition. There are three specific things that you should do:

1. Exercise
You shouldn’t be surprised that this one is on the list. It is unavoidable. Physical activity is essential to healthy living. The body was meant to move, and when it does not, it can become unhappy and ill. Physical activity stimulates the body’s natural maintenance and repair systems that keep it going. It improves circulation to our heart and lungs. It gives us strength to stave off injuries, and it increases the mobility in our muscles and joints. Physical activity also releases endorphins; the feel good hormones that create a sense of general well being. Physical activity is good for the body and the mind.

Exercises include brisk walking, cycling, dancing, swimming, rowing, strength training, Cross-Fit, and running, and so many more. Yoga, and pilates are also good exercise workouts; especially if they are performed in conjunction with the cardiovascular-type workouts mentioned above.

2. Eating healthy
Have you ever heard of the saying “you are what you eat” or “garbage in garbage out”? Well, it is true. What you put into your body directly affects how you feel physically, your mood, your mental clarity, your internal workings, and even your skin. Eating healthy does not mean eating expensive foods with little taste. As a matter of fact, there are some fantastic health recipes online and in cookbooks that are very healthy. Basically, you want to aim for a diet that is low in salt, fat and unprocessed foods and is high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and omega-3 fatty acids. It is also good to take a multi vitamin to ensure you are meeting your nutrient requirements.

3. Reduce stress
We have got to get rid of all of this stress. This is a big one for me. Stress happens when your life becomes out of balance physically, mentally or emotionally. This imbalance can be caused by internal stress like worrying too much, environmental stress like pressure from work, family or friends, or by stress from being fatigued or overworked. Being stressed out has the potential to affect your health in a variety of ways. You can become tired, sick, tense, irritable, and unable to think clearly. If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, you need to try to manage the stress in your life so that it does not overtake you. This means taking charge of your thoughts, emotions, tasks, and environment to get your body back in balance.

Action Items
Here are some specific action items for living a healthy lifestyle:

1.Use the food pyramid as a guide to how much of what to eat
2.Eat less processed foods
3.Reduce your sugar intake
4.Grill, boil, or bake foods rather than frying them
5.Reduce the amount of meat you eat
6.Eat a lot of fresh locally produced vegetables and fruits
7.Avoid adding salt to your meals after they have been cooked
8.Regulate your portion sizes (a portion is about the size of your fist)
9.Reduce or eliminate your alcohol consumption
10.Reduce caffeine consumption
11.Don’t eat foods that have a lifetime warranty (unless it is in your food srorage and you have been storing them in your basement for emergency situations)
12.Stop smoking
13.Laugh a lot
14.Exercise at a moderate intensity, for at least a half an hour three to five times per week.
15.Find ways to eliminate stress (meditate, exercise, read, music)
16.Give to others with no strings attached
17.Smile at strangers
18.Learn to say no
19.Avoid people who put their stress on you
20.Take control of your life
21.Always say please and thank you
22. Be grateful for what you have