Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tips for the weekend

Scott Schwab:
Hey everyone, I thought I would do a quick post about the tips of the weekend. Some of these will be repeats and suggestions that we have all heard before, but like with anything, implementation is the key.

#1 Stay hydrated with water. Usually the days to catch up are the weekends and we find ourselves more busy with activities or we relax so much that we drink the wrong liquids. Stay with the H20 and get your consumption up. Make it a focus to drink the recommended 64 oz plus.

#2 Be active. This can be actively doing house work, yard work, or organization. Surprisingly we can burn a lot of calories by just staying busy doing the things that are on our to do list.

#3 Turn of the tube. On average people spend 3 hours per day watching T.V. Weekends don't change much and usually show an increase on the time spent in front of the television. Find activities to get you off the couch, off the recliner, and proactively getting things accomplished.

#4 Avoid fast food. Weekends can destroy a productive week of working out. Being on the run, it is easy to stop and grab some Fry's and a burger. Not, that there will never be a reason to stop and enjoy a burger, but make it the exception and not the rule. It comes down to planning your eating schedule.

#5 If the weekend brings date night, decide on a meal that can be shared or box half of the meal before it even comes out. Many times our eyes are larger than our stomach can handle and we eat more than we should. The entrees at many restaurants are so large that we will stretch our stomachs and feel the discomfort.

Realize that these suggestions as others should be taken in moderation. In general enjoy the time that you have within the confines of what your goals are. If you are trying to trim up and lose some weight, it may not be wise to have every weekend be a no holds bar weekend. This could be classified as yo-yo dieting. Do great in the week and terrible on the weekends. You be the judge, but hold yourself accountable.

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