Saturday, February 11, 2012

8 week challengers (Midway Results)

Josh Schiffman:
Its half way and I can't believe it. These 8 week challenges go by quickly. I have lost 16 pounds and have lots more to go. I can honestly say that I have done better this go around than any other. I'm not on a super strict diet that I won't be able to continue with, but I am consistent at eating smaller portions. This go around I tell my body when I am done rather than my body telling me when I'm done. I have also been doing a trick that helps me with the sweets and treats. If I decide I want to have a goodie every once in a while I do so. whatever one I want I can have. However, I see what the caloric intake is and I have to double that for my cardio workout the next day. So if a bag of M&M's are 250 calories, than the next day I have to burn at least 500 Calories in addition to whatever my workout was that day. It sure makes me a little more consious about eating sweets all the time. I really do feel better inside and outside. I'm not as self consious as I was before.
As far as my goals I feel they are coming along. I have finished all but 10 pages on the Richest man in Babylon and completed the others.

Chandi Schwab:
This 8 week challenge is going good. My main focus is training and it has been hard. There were a couple of weeks that my body was really having a hard time with the mileage. I started to stress and worry about my performance, but through talking to others was able to gain perspective.
I am running once a week with some great runners that push me and train differently. It has become more important for me to listen to my body and understand what I need and dont need. I have struggled with sweats and my general thought is that I will burn it off. The poor eating at times effects my runs, so these next 4 weeks I will focus on eating clean and preparing better.

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