Friday, February 10, 2012

8 week challengers (Midway Results)

Emily Roche:
Things have gone pretty well so far. I'm down about 5 pounds from where I started. I haven't had as much workout time as I would like lately because I've had super sick kids, but I'm hoping for a strong second half.

Scott Schwab:
I could be doing better in many areas. My average wake up time has been about 6:38, and I really thought that I would be perfect. Well I can only improve at this point. I have done good with my reading, but the picture books have really helped my average. My weight does not seem to want to get where I would like it to, so I just continue to hover like a hovercraft.
However, I will keep working and reach my goal one way or another. I have done my daily running which has been an adventure, but I am improving and naturally feel like I am improving. I feel bad for the people at the gym who have to see and smell my sweaty mess, but its not my fault I was born with double the sweat glands in my body. Just kidding, but really I do sweat a lot and everything is going great. I look forward to continued improvement.

Thad Hollist:
I am doing much better than before I was doing the 8 week challenge. I am at the gym more often, but still not as often as I would like. Scott and I work out together and it has been fun playing racquetball and doing other activities that help me in the cardio department. I have been busy with school and work but have managed to lose weight and feel great.
Where I am health wise compared to 4 weeks ago is a change and I feel better. I will keep pushing myself and making sure I hold myself accountable to my goals. Thank you for letting me participate.

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