Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Stephanie checks in

Stephanie Crandall:
Hello everybody-
I've gotten so many questions lately on my training and nutrition regimen that I wanted to just address a lot of them on here!
First of all, be aware that everyone has different body types, different needs, and activity levels, so my plan isn't something that fits for everyone. Plus I'm obviously training for something really intense that demands a LOT, so don't think you have to do this to be in great shape.
So, the good news is, I'm down to 15% body fat! Been waiting for this! Just a couple more and I'll be pretty set. The scale's beginning to drop too, which is nice. Pants are still tight in the legs though, dangit!

So here's a rundown on my eating schedule:
Wake up around 8.. eat breakfast around 8:30

Breakfast: which is Fiber One cereal with skim milk, or oatmeal, or something that's carb-y but also has protein.
*take my multivitamins. very important!!

I go to the gym then come home and have the "other half" of my breakfast- a protein shake usually.
Lunch: Egg + 2 egg whites, salsa, veggies, in a whole wheat pita or half an Ezekiel tortilla (I gotta keep the carbs down now)
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese and fruit, or oatmeal, or veggies, boiled egg, etc.
Dinner: fish with veggies and quinoa, or lemon chicken and salad, etc.
After dinner snack: protein shake

I'm basically eating 6 small meals a day, the main ones about 300 calories, and the snacks about 150 (to total 1250).

I drink TONS of water, and if I need something sweet or feel hungry, I chug this:

Sparkling Ice from Costco. 0 calories, and it's a little carbonated so it makes you feel fuller. HOWEVER, I've been getting bad headaches and I think the Splenda is to blame, so I'm cutting back. Or I'll have a diet swiss miss hot cocoa.. it's 25 cals and satisfies my sweet tooth =)

Gym time- usually a 90-120 minutes commitment

Mon: Session with my trainer, Brian for an hour, plus 45 min of cardio
Tues: An hour 15 min of cardio (stair master and treadmill)
Wed: Weights- focusing on lower body, but high intensity, little rest) And an hour of cardio
Thurs: At least an hour of cardio
Fri: Weights- focusing on arms, back, and again high intensity, plus an hour of cardio
Sat: An hour to an hour and a half cardio
Sunday: REST at last!!

Hope this gives you an idea of my training. It's intense! I'm tired by 7 at night usually, but have the energy to make it through my workouts and actually function throughout the day =) It's definitely rewarding though. Only 7 more weeks til competition!!

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