Thursday, July 9, 2009

Consumption in all its glory

Scott Schwab

Let me first apologize to readers about slacking with writing on the blog. It is frustrating that we have not kept up with it as much as we would like. Hopefully, like with your favorite shows, you were able to get the equivalent of a re-run and read some past articles. The topic of the post today can be looked at from many different angles. If you look at consumption from a though perspective, we would look at; what it is that we feel our minds with. If we refer consumption to food and drink, it might well be construed as what we put into our bodies. This has brought me to the title of the blog and the thoughts that are surrounding it. I have been reading a very good book, one that I would recommend, called; Who moved my Cheese. It is a simple story, yet fascinating with how I could relate to the four main characters. Simple lessons, suggestions, and quotes that will help people be more successful. I have found that on life's field of battle, there are a couple of things that eliminate the possibilities for success. One is preparedness. If one is not prepared in any facet of life, the desired results are usually not obtained. The reasons behind this are many, however; I would break it down to this. We are creatures of habit, and as such we are looking for what we know and what is comfortable. This book points out the fact that when we are comfortable with our surroundings, there is a lack of growth, desire, and eventually opportunity. The other great tid bit and problem that I see with myself and others on life's battle field is FEAR. Yes fear is something that all of us have at some point or possibly daily. The problem with this is the affects of fear. Fear debilitates and as the book points out, has paralyzing effects. The harm is that it keeps us from being able to accomplish our dreams, desires, and goals. The point to all of this, is what we are consuming and digesting in our mind and our body. We are what we eat, and as such the better we eat the more energy, power, and clarity of mind we will have. Our mind is the gateway to our actions. Actions are determined by thoughts. This is a powerful antidote that will help each of us. If we want to do great things, think great things. If we want to have better self confidence, we must tell ourselves assuring things, positive thoughts, and positive talk. We are all, our worst critics. In this way, we need to give ourselves a break. Do not eliminate personal accountability, but realize that we are not perfect and mistakes are made daily. The mistakes can be used for growth and continued opportunity, only when we look at them as opportunities. The most important thing that I can suggest is not taking yourself to seriously and being able to laugh at yourselves and situations. It will keep you young, healthy, and enjoyable to be around. In closing I would suggest sometime to reevaluate your goals in all areas. Take time to realize how good you are doing and in what areas you can make incremental improvements. Finally Consume only things that will allow you to be your best and the person that you hope to become.

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