Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Show yourself what you've got!

Chandi Schwab
It's funny how often people seem uncomfortable around us when it comes to food. we were at our friends for dinner the other night and she told us she didn't know what to make because we were coming and she automatically thought it needed to be something healthy. I get this all the time, and have to laugh because we are so far from perfect when it comes to eating or anything for that matter.Yes, in our normal routine we try to be as healthy as we can, but when it comes to get togethers or parties we enjoy indulging a little.(sometimes a lot).
this is why I can't stress enough how key it is to develop the foundation of a healthy lifestyle and not a crash diet. Diets never ever last, and as soon as you start eating normal again the weight will come piling back on. If you can slowly establish new habits and self control, you will see results. If the weight comes off slowly it has a better chance of staying away forever, because step by step you are making goals toward a new healthy lifestyle. Even if you were to apply one small new healthy goal per day or even week you will see results.
If you make any healthy changes at all, you will notice a difference. I often hear our 8 week challengers say that they don't think there is a visible difference in their appearance but if you have made any sort of change toward a healthy lifestyle in 8 weeks you will see a change. Take a before and after picture, even if it is just for "you" to look at, and you will be surprised. Maybe the difference will be a beautiful healthy happy glow, but can you complain? What a great start! It has taken me years of improvement and I am still learning and trying to make healthier choices. That is the beauty of it, there is always room for improvement, but if we are always working our way up little by little we will be happier and more pleased with ourselves. There will always be bumps and road blocks, but if we get back on track we will find joy in our strength.So choose a goal right now and work on it for a week. continue to add to your goals and you will always have something to work toward which is so fulfilling. Keep it up and please feel free to ask questions anytime. Remember our labels on the right hand side allow you to look up any posts that we have done under certain subjects. good Luck!

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