Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cleaning house

Scott Schwab:
Out with old and in with the new. A new you, a new way of living, and a new plan to become what you want to be. We all know the benefits of having balance in our life. Everything from having a clean house, room, or domain to having set standards and holding to them. It seems that our bodies are multi-faceted and respond appropriately.
Having a clean domain, gives you a sense of accomplishment and relaxation. Mentally your body has an easier way of being at peace when there are not things visibly or mentally on a list of to do's. Having a clean house is very difficult, especially when there are rug rats involved. Even though there is a benefit to keeping your residence clean, there is a balance that needs to be obtained. For instance some times you just need to take a break and let it wait. We can stress ourselves out with all of the things we have to do.
Furthermore our surest opportunity with peace of mind is setting priorities. There is a quote that I think is so helpful in this stressful world we live in.

"Schedule your priorities, NOT prioritize your schedule."
The focus is first setting what will and will not get done in a day. There are enough things in a day that we may never get all of them done. However, what is most important for you to be you? Obviously you want to be happy and accomplish certain things. Identify those things for you and move forward with goals to accomplish those in a specific time frame. If you want specific results, set specific goals. If you generally want to succeed, than set general goals.
Cleaning house in this form simply means getting your priorities and standards in order. If you have 20 minutes of down time try and fill it with something useful or you could take that time to rejuvenate the noggin. It is important that you don't spend the time thinking about all the things you need to do and think until the time passes and you didn't accomplish anything. Also avoid wasting time. If you want to waste time get up a little earlier or stay up a little later to compensate.
I wish that I could tell you that I have mastered this concept but that would be a lie. However, I do know that for me I need to get my mind going the first thing in the morning. So I get up earlier than the rest of my family to read. That way I can ponder, think, hope, and desire. It also helps me to do my daily affirmations, which is powerfully incredible. Try setting goals and being very specific. Spend some time in front of your mirror looking, repeating, and committing yourself to a goal or a couple of goals per day. You will be amazed at what you accomplish and how the world will give you the things you asked for and sometimes in the most bizarre ways.
I also know that I need to make it to the gym. I believe that I am releasing endorphins when I go to the gym and it positively sets my entire day in motion. That is why I go! There are many other benefits that include confidence, associations with friends, and pushing myself harder than I want to. For me, these two things have to be done. Strangely enough I then find more energy to help around the house, be with my wife and kids, explore new projects, and work more effectively with others. I truly believe that you can have anything you desire and work for in this world. The reason that people generally don't get it, is they give up to soon, or do not clearly define where they are trying to go. Be the exception to that and pass on the higher way of living.

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