Sunday, October 14, 2012

Quote of the day

Scott Schwab:
Standing firm to our values in a time where watching the news and seeing society would make us think there are not many values left.
Great people hold their values and never surrender in the face of fear, doubt, or contempt. Good people have values, but never seem to know when to stand or when to sit. They will stand for something, but likely it will be at a time of convenience and not a time of hardship. Average people have few values and are those same people who are like a ship without a Rutter. Aimlessly following the wind and the waves, or in the terms of people, the societal fluctuations, fads, and popular things of the world.

Here is a great quote for everyone to implement into our daily lives.

"The most glorious moments in your life, are not the so-called days of success. But rather those days, when out of dejection and despair; you feel a rise in you... a challenge to life... and a promise of future accomplishments."
-Gustave Flaubert-

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