Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall 2012 8 week challenge

Scott Schwab:
We have been tossing it around a lot and timing may not work for everyone, but we wanted to announce the Fall 2012 8 week challenge. This will take us through the Holidays, which are my hardest times of the year to maintain and forget about losing unwanted pounds.
However, we have noticed in the past that we have been more successful through the Holidays when we are focusing on being disciplined. The holidays are hard with gatherings and all sorts of events and parties. "We never said that it would be easy, but it will be worth it."
Here is the skinny on the challenge. We will begin Monday the 22nd of October and we will go exactly 8 weeks and end Monday the 17th of December. This will be perfect to help get through Candy Land of Halloween, Turkey days with Thanksgiving, and will end about a week before Christmas.
It is all about lifestyle. The challenge is to learn how to implement healthy lifestyles and still live in the world we do. If we do not learn how to succeed when failure is present, than can we really proclaim success?
All this week get your pre-photo and your goals sent to the emails listed below:

If you have any questions let us know. I know the time is short, but the hour is now. Lets get ourselves in the best Holiday shape possible.

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