Saturday, September 15, 2012

Beat the blues with mind and body

Scott Schwab:
For some the months ahead can be some of the hardest. Summer is done and now holidays are approaching, family gatherings, work parties, and the weather is starting to get cooler.
What this can mean is our bodies will begin a process of getting ready for cool weather by holding onto more calories and fats in a way of helping us to stay warm in cooler temperatures. However, it doesn't have to be that way. Often times weight gain can bring on the blues as well as the stress of a busy schedule or expectations that ourselves and other can place upon ourselves.
With that being said, there are a couple of things that one can do to reverse the trend in our mind and flip the switch that will tell our body that it is time to get lean and mean. The first thing that we must eliminate is the temptation to say "I have no time,  I will do it later, and my favorite I will just have one". Though the Holidays should be enjoyed, we also need to realize that this is the biggest weight gaining time of the year. Our society gains weight during the Holidays, only to have a big push at the first of the year as a resolution.
A lifestyle does not support the yo-yo effect, nor will it support the constant justification that it is ok because it is an event or because this. We need to take on discipline that will help us to make our sweet tooth a once in a while treat and not a daily battle. Trust me I know cravings. I am the guy that can eat a whole bag of oreos before I even realize the bag is gone. I love chocolate chip cookies like you wouldn't believe, but I also love my health and working out to challenge myself to always get better.
Here are a couple of thoughts to help us with the winter on its way and fall being upon us.

1) Find something that you love about working out or exercising. Though you may not be able to have the time naturally in the day, make the time and set the time aside so nothing else interrupts.
2) Be happy with your body image. To often we spend the time beating ourselves up and not allowing ourselves to be happy with who we are. When we stress, our bodies will hold onto weight. There are enough sources that can make us feel bad about ourselves. Be the constant and tell yourself there is nobody as dynamic and beautiful as you are.
3) Get out and get active. It is hard during the months of cold to get out and burn calories. That is one reason that we gain weight during these months. Now is the time to establish an at home routine or get a membership to a gym. There are so many sources for home workouts that we don't have to feel that we have to spend money.
4) Eat the right foods. We may not be dietitians or experts, but we know the foods that are not good for us. There may be foods that we question, but in general I believe that we know that processed foods, fried foods, sugars are bad for us. Choose health over convenience.
5) Control. We create it in our minds before we create it in the form of action. Plan out your day and your week with the foods that you will eat, not the foods that you cant or wont. Draw the lines of what you will choose to do and then do a little research of the foods and drinks that will support you in your quest.

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