Saturday, September 8, 2012

8 week challengers

Erin Taylor


My goal for this eight week challenge is to lose just 10 pounds. Not a big deal right? My goal for accomplishing this is to follow a new stategy of going off carbs for two days a week. I read this article about how if we cut carbs from our diet for just two days a week, it resets our insulin production. Insulin it the harmone that helps turn carbs into fat. Well, it turns carbs into energy that feeds our muscles, but when the muscles have filled up on all the energy they are burning, the insulin also helps turn carbs into fat, to store for another day when our energy output exceeds the quick energy stores in our muscles. The problem is, most of us don't need to dip into those stores very often. At any rate, giving our pancreas a little break from insulin production, helps to reset it to normal levels thus helping is burn fat instead of storing it.
The rest of the week, I plan to eat a moderate healthy diet of lean meats, healthy carbs and lots of fruits and vegetables. I will allow myself an occasional weekly treat.

My exercise goals are to step up my runs. I will do interval training for two miles plus add another 4 miles twice a week, and step up my longs runs from 3 or miles to an increase of 6 to 10 miles once a week. I will also do yoga and weight training three times a week.

So basically I am just tweaking the same old goals I have been working on for the past 12 years! Hopefully with these little changes I will begin to see some results. If I loose the 10 pounds, I can then go on to tackle the next 10!


This eight week challenge proved to be more challenging than anticipated. With a summer full of travel, preparing a daughter to go off to college, moving my husband’s office and having a house pulled apart to get new flooring that has taken longer than expected, I found it difficult to stick to my dietary goals. Once I got off while we were traveling I just never seemed to be able to get myself back on again! My exercise goals were a different story. I was able to double the time and distance of my running and I added strength training and yoga to my routine. I only lost a couple of pounds, but I do feel just tighter and stronger. I was concerned about the strength training, because I had tendonitis in my elbow, and my arm had been in pain for several months. It was difficult for me to pick up a gallon of milk or put the dishes away up in the cupboard. I had been avoiding strength training for that reason, but with the eight week challenge, I decided to tough it out. I was amazed that within a week or so, the pain in my arm had all but gone away! Strengthening the muscles in my arm took the stress off the tendons and I am practically pain free now!

I had been running 2 to 4 miles three times per week, but I started running 6 to 10 miles three times a week and sometimes more. With that I felt a great sense of accomplishment. I was amazed that I could run that far and still carry on with my normal activities the rest of the day. My normal running partner had a challenging summer as well and was not able to run with me very much at all. I found some gals that are ten years younger than me, and a lot faster than me to run with. It was really challenging to try to keep up with them. I usually could keep up with their pace for about 3 miles and then would let them go on ahead of me, but I felt great improvement in my speed because of this. Even though I was not able to meet my weight goals, I am pleased with what I accomplished during this time. I feel stronger and healthier and will continue in the direction I have headed. Who knows, maybe that 10 pounds will come off some day!

Tom Brough:



(coming soon)


1) No carbonation
2) No dairy
3) No sweets
4) Workout 6 days a week
5) 2-a-days at least 3 days a week
6) Weight loss of 24lbs


My results did not end up where I wanted them to be. I actually lost 5 pounds, but with injury and the summer grind I came up short with my goals. I am happy that I did start the weight loss journey. Only 19 more pounds and I will be where I would like to be.
I will continue to work hard and have a better fall. Once the kids are back into a schedule, I actually seem to do better with my schedule as well.

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