Thursday, August 4, 2011

Time to get active!!!

Chandi Schwab
You know you ought to start exercising. But what if, like so many people, you just hate the gym or are short on time and motivation? Or maybe you're so far out of shape that you don't know where to start? Never fear. You can still get in shape, because movement,the very thing needed for increased fitness can take place anywhere, and choosing the right workout routine for you is important.

To pick an exercise program, first consider whether it incorporates all the necessary elements of fitness. Any good program should have at least cardio and weight training of some sort, and many include things like yoga and pilates, designed to stretch and strengthen the core of your body. Doing at least some kind of stretching is important, so that you don't injure yourself.

When you are doing cardio it should include some sort of exercise that requires enough effort to get your heart pumping stronger than usual. Biking, walking, jogging, hiking,surfing, skiing, swimming, and playing all sorts of sports are all types of cardio to consider. Any time you are moving and sweating, you can count it as cardio.

Cardio should be done at least three days a week in order to sustain fitness, and probably at least four to see improvements. It is beneficial to add in weight training at least two days a week, I alternate upper and lower body. Stretching can be incorporated into your workouts, or you can devote an exercise session entirely to stretching. Make sure to still stretch as necessary in order not to injure yourself on other days.

Choosing one type of exercise that you do most of the time isn't a bad thing. But your routine should be varied at least occasionally. Ideally, once or twice a week so that you are sure to exercise as many muscles as possible. A lot of people make one exercise session per week their 'cross-training day' and do something other than their usual exercise that day.

Choosing the right workout routine is mostly about making it something that you can look forward to, instead of dreading. To do this, your exercise program needs to feature activities that you enjoy, and show positive results. Be creative when making your exercise plans, there's no reason that a salsa dancing lesson, or playing WII Fit can't be substituted for a run, it is always nice to mix it up! Now go for it!!!

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