Monday, August 8, 2011

How you work?

Scott Schwab:
How you work is who you are? Have you ever heard of that saying? Well in many cases it is true. The energy, focus, and effort that we take for one thing really says a lot about our character. Possibly a better quote is "How you do anything, is how you do everything." There is room for argument with this, but I tend to lean more toward the side of the way we approach projects is the way that we approach life.
Our character in many ways defines our decisions and opportunities that we take or pass on. Our goal with this blog is not only to give you ideas for workouts and healthy eating. The goal is to give you a broad range of subjects so that you think, and I think, and we think. Our greatest muscle is our brain. If we cease to use it, it doesn't matter how in shape we may be or how great we eat.
What does matter is having a great sense of being. Knowing who you are and what you want to accomplish. Like the symbol in math that represents eternity, the figure eight never stops going. Much like our health. Our mental flows into our physical and our physical flows into our mental. Thus our health is based on our thoughts and our thoughts are exhibited by our actions. As we act it invokes additional thought and the flow never stops.

In Conclusion:
We must use our brains if we are to truly obtain great health. We can work our whole life on our physical and if our mental is not equivalent, we will lack the capacity to become. Our goal is to become... well whatever it is that you truly want to become. That takes thought, it takes time, and more then anything, it will take goal setting. Use your brain to think and ponder and become!

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