Friday, March 11, 2011

Supplement of the week : The skinny on protein.

Drew Cavner
This week's supplement article is about an extremely lean (low calorie) protein supplement. It will enable you to fit in meals throughout the day without taking in tons of calories that can be detrimental to your goals.

Elite Gourmet Stats:

Calories : 125
Saturated Fat : .5g
Sugars : 0g
Protein : 21g

For the most part these will be the nutritional facts to look out for. Anytime you have a product that is low in fat AND carbs PLUS high in protein you will have the ability to lose body fat and build/maintain muscle mass. Not only does Elite Gourmet have low fat and carbs, but it also has a time released protein. A time released protein basically means that there are different types of protein present in the product that digest at different times. The benefit to this is that your body will be fed for a longer period of time. The longer your body is fed with protein and low calories the better chances of staying full AND losing body fat. Try substituting a snack or two with a shake and see how it works.

Lets assume that each snack you have is around 300 calories. two snacks a day amounts to 600 calories. Now, take those snacks and substitute with a protein shake. You go from a caloric intake of 600 calories to 250. That is a very big difference if you continue this for a long period of time. One month would equal to a 10,500 calorie difference! Always remember that weight loss equates to a very simple formula. Calories in to calories out. As long as you keep your calories low and your protein high you should see desirable results. If any of you have further questions about this product and would like to support our small business please direct yourself to our website, or email me directly at Our website is going through construction so please bare with us. Thanks again for your support!!

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