Saturday, March 5, 2011

Health Information part dose

Scott Schwab:
Yesterday we got to visit the Alzheimer portion of health information. In continuation of some of the reasons for a long-term health focus; lets now look at osteoporosis. Both of these diseases have one thing in common. They mostly effect the elderly. All of us will be elderly sooner or later, so how can we plan for those days ahead? The best way is to plan now for the years to come. Much like an investing plan, you must start putting away money now to enjoy a certain lifestyle later. With health, it is working as hard as you can now, so that you gracefully enter the older years with good knees, back, and body.

Osteoporosis- A disease characterized by decrease in bone mass and density, occurring especially in postmenopausal women, resulting in a predisposition to fractures and bone deformities such as vertebral collapse.

Although there is more risk for women, the truth is we all need to pay attention to this potentially harmful disease.

-By 2025 the annual cost to treat osteoporosis related fractures will be 25.3 billion
-1 in 3 adults 65 or older with osteoporosis will have a fall this year
-1 in 2 women over 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis
-1 in 8 men will contract some form of osteoporosis in their lifetime

Steps to take now
-Calcium and Vitamin D- are responsible for growth and preservation of bone mass, get 900-1500 milligrams per day (doctors orders).
-Exercise- the strengthening of the body does in fact extend to the skeleton
-Healthy Diet- Eat the foods that are rich with these nutrients in their purest form
-Get sun- Your body will manufacture its own Vitamin D with real sun not tanning beds
-Avoid Tobacco- The cancer sticks just aren't for the body or the brain
-Avoid Alcohol- The bubbly will not support a healthy body long-term. I know there are studies that support a glass of red wine daily, but honestly water will treat you better. Have some grape juice or grapes to get your resveratrol for your heart.
-Get tested- regularly have your physical and bone density testing with your Doc

When your body is in need of nutrients and it is not getting them from your diet, the body will start depleting your bones of the needed nutrients. This is why it is so important to eat a balanced diet and keep your body fueled. There are many places that one can cut corners in your life, but do not let it be with what you put into your body. Take care of your body because you only get one!

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